Showing Posts For brian.3749:

SoR ~ JQ ~ TC Week 6 Gold

in Match-ups

Posted by: brian.3749


WOW!!~~ i like tonight in TC BL
[ZZZZ] nice fight!! whats you guys prime time!!
we are [FB]
if any [ZZZZ]leader or officer see this massege
send a mail to me

[FB] we are WVW elite team about 20 ppl
we are looking for GVG
if you are interested GVG contact me

JQ/TC/Maguuma 11/1/13 - Week 3

in Match-ups

Posted by: brian.3749


Who want GVG this week??
we are “FB”[Fighting Blood] from JQ!!
out prime time is GMT+8
if you are interested about GVG
main me in tyria

[FB] we are WVW elite team about 20 ppl
we are looking for GVG
if you are interested GVG contact me

We are Fighting Blood[FB] looking for GVG

in Looking for...

Posted by: brian.3749


Hi who want to GVG TC/BG
you interested contact me send a mail i will reply soon!!
we play GMT+8 20:00~00:00

[FB] we are WVW elite team about 20 ppl
we are looking for GVG
if you are interested GVG contact me

10/11: BG/TC/JQ

in Match-ups

Posted by: brian.3749


Hi Never Die[ND]!! We are [FB]
i just wanna ask where are u guys tonight
we want more fight

[FB] we are WVW elite team about 20 ppl
we are looking for GVG
if you are interested GVG contact me