Anakita Snakecharm.4360 :
I can’t see Mursaat becoming a player race. They’d either be ridiculously overpowered or (more likely) be downgraded to a more reasonable power level for a PC, which would make them much less interesting than they are now.
It would also diminish my interest in them if they were suddenly all over the place doing totally mundane things.
Hahaha!!! Mursaats helping you in ascalon catacombs ….. Harvesting some omnom berries or some lettuce…..A hole bunch of them at lion’s arch just running around, some of them leveling up their cooking skills with their little quaggan backpiece
It would be ridiculous to have a starting map for them etc….
I love mursaat because they are not like the other races,they can’t act ’’normaly’’ like the other races…It would look pretty weird XD!