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Tickets for Review (3 days and older) [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: burto.7026


Hi again Gaile, it’s Burto 9803, except now I’m burto 7026. I decided to just make a new account all together, I only really lost 5 days of progress, so like I said no biggie. I’ll let support know that I no longer intend to use the other account so they can get rid of it. Thanks again for your time!


Hey thanks for getting me an answer Gaile!

121121-000642 The charge authorization failed. You were not charged and will need to create a new account and add a valid code to play.

I thought that it might be the case. Before I go and create a new account. Just wondering if there is any way at all to keep my character? if not it’s no biggie but it would be nice. Also if I create a new account, will I be able to use the same email address as before and use my (Burto.9803) name? or will this not be possible?

Thanks for getting this sorted out at least.


Glad to help. I wish I could answer the question about continued play on the account (with a valid code, of course). But each situation is different and I think it would be good for you to update your ticket and ask if they can release your account and allow you to add a new, valid code to it, or if you will need to start a new account. It’s not a simple situation, so it’s best to get the word directly from the team. Thanks!