Showing Posts For cdave.7140:

Biggest trash talkers during pvp

in PvP

Posted by: cdave.7140


i have a funny story about a trash talking thief. the other day i droped into a hot join just hit the play now and ended up in a match that was 2v1 2 on my team and a thief. so jump down from the spawn and start typing asking if they wanted to go mid and duel before i could finish typing i got hit with 3 heartseekers and was dead. at this point my teammate left and the thief was laughing and jumping up and down on my body and said another noob to make leave. he was obviously just camping the spawn. i play ranger so i respawn jump down wait about 2 secs and i use my wolf f2 howl and run towards the point i as im running i see the thief come out osf stealth still feared by my wolf i send my wolf after him he gets the knockdown now im standing on the point and the thief says what you scared ranger you should be i eat rangers for lunch i simply respond with NO thinking im going to down you and cap the point. i see him stealth out so i drop torch 5 and wait for his attack he uses hs right in to my fire and almost dies from burning while im evading with dodges and sword abilities he stealths and runs still tras talking mind you this goes on 3 more times i cap the point and then he says i hate dodge rangers they are for noobs l2p a real class and left. i never killed him but i felt victorius i made him leave like he was making others leave

Explain Sword Root?

in Ranger

Posted by: cdave.7140


I love the sword rants i chuckle every time i see them, ranger was my first class and the one i play the most. I love the sword i used it for months and never had this so called rooting issue, untilll one day i decided to read the forums at work because i was bored. saw some thread about it and when i got home that night i tried it out dodging in the midle of the chain and was like ahh thats what they were talking about. not sure why i never noticed or it ever effecting my play. im guessing its because i never used auto attack with it. i read the tooltip and said thats an awsome chain probably dont want auto attack with that so i can have more control with it, like switching targets or deselecting the target to leap away. although this is from a spvp prespective its all i really do with this game pve is just to boring to me.

A player who runs thief sent me this message

in Ranger

Posted by: cdave.7140


well i run a regen bunker 0/0/30/10/30 axe/torch and sword/dagger with dwayna runes dont do much wvw but in spvp i never lost 1 v1 against a thief or any other class with this build, except for a few good mesmers but it comes really close and could of gone either way. although i have come across some really good thiefs that can fight forever just keep running away and coming back to try again usually this goes on untill one side gets backup or the thief moves on for an easier target