Showing Posts For chrimson jade.6082:

Mail from GM Andreina

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: chrimson jade.6082

chrimson jade.6082

OK, thanks. I had the foresight not to click the link, but was still a bit panicky…

Mail from GM Andreina

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: chrimson jade.6082

chrimson jade.6082

I just received a mail from GM Andreina, saying my account would be suspended for 72 hours for selling gold. At the bottom of the window it says that this was sent by a player, not A-net.

I am worried because i was not logged on 7 hours ago, when this was sent. Also, i bought gems and converted gold to gems in the exchange with a small materials purge.

Is this legit, and if not who do i report to?


Ectoplasm Drop Rate

in Crafting

Posted by: chrimson jade.6082

chrimson jade.6082

OK, Poor luck it is. I knew that mega server caused some rares to become rarer(sic?) and that would affect me, but there were times when i would salvage 15 rares a day and only get 5 ecto out of the whole lot. i salvage all my rares just before logging out so i see as a whole what im getting. and 15 rares generally mean 15 ecto to me. well for the past 2 months about it seems to be 15 rares make 5 ecto. i know RNG and all that, i take several research methods classes in college so i under stand all this. but to me it just seemed TOO far off the normal to ask around.

thanks to everyone with constructive inputs.

Ectoplasm Drop Rate

in Crafting

Posted by: chrimson jade.6082

chrimson jade.6082

This is just a simple question: Has Anet changed the ectoplasm salvage rate? For the past several weeks I have noticed allot less ecto.

Longbow Or Shortbow?

in Ranger

Posted by: chrimson jade.6082

chrimson jade.6082

To answer your original question. Short bow if you have a crit or condi build, longbow if you are fighting a ranged boss. Ranged bosses do exist, so don’t discount a bow.

Kicked for being ranger

in Ranger

Posted by: chrimson jade.6082

chrimson jade.6082

I think the whole discussion here is only focusing on DPS. You need to examine a utility factor with rangers. in WvW they are used as a support class, basically make them glass cannon and you have a mobile arrow cart. Spec the right way and you have the best heal in the game (spring).

Sadly, the pet mechanic is not good, and as principle rangers seem to run pet passive almost exclusively. Well there goes half your DPS as a ranger. My pet does more DPS than me, but that is by design. I want “Agro Magnet” to take agro and ill just take short bow behind and bleed you to death.

If things get heated, swap to longbow. get extreme range and heal. my cycle for this is spring, 5, and 2. after i get to about 3/4 health then im back in to 500-900 range. Poison is used point blank, and piercing is lethal in groups.

You cant just assume that every ranger is crap. have a good ranger in any party and you have the best heal, excellent poison( which i can sustain), a pet for mild DPS, and if specked right the last person standing in your party.

Are Rangers THAT bad.

in WvW

Posted by: chrimson jade.6082

chrimson jade.6082

Well, i think a ranger should reply to this thread:
Yea, we can be out DPs by almost any melee class. But we are not really meant to be a melee class. Rangers who are used effectively are a support class, not front combat. If you want a ranger in front combat then you need VPT armor and there goes all your DPS.

Support classes tend to be glassy, but are in essence a mobile arrow cart. Longbow 5 and you lock down a spot for a few seconds. coordinate that among several rangers and you can get a choke the zerg can use to its advantage. Also, zergs tend to move in straight lines, typically at 90 degree angles. being away from the main group we can see that and predict it. when the flow (push) ends and an ebb(heal) starts we can focus the edge and burn down 2-3 people as a group. do this a few times and the zerg reaches critical mass and breaks.

Rangers are not week by any means, we just need to be utilized better.

MIssing Mail

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: chrimson jade.6082

chrimson jade.6082

i had a similar problem a few hours ago when a guild member agreed to make some wood planks for me. i sent him the materials and he never received them. i know i sent them to the right person because i used the party option to send mail, and it was just the two of us. another member wasn’t able to send me mail, while a 3rd was. my mail has been slow before, but it always arrived.