Showing Posts For chuckandme.8753:

This game is full of skritt.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


Skritt Burglar hits you skrittical for 247987 dmg.
You die.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


I guess after 25 pages with about 1200 postings and 0 reply, we can conclude that no one at Anet is actually allowed to comment on the issue.

This whole loot and DR-desaster was a business decision and not a concern of the devs.

Just look at it as the way Nexon/Crystin Cox says “hi” to you all and prepare for more of the same to hit the game down the road.

My top 5 list of unbearable things.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


Yeah but what do you guys think about these facts ? How can you deal with them ?

What i think about your facts? They are spot on, but unfortunately they don’t nearly cover all the issues with this game.

How i deal with them? I don’t. Not anymore.
I have given up on GW2 as a game, but moreso i have given up on Anet (or shall i say Nexon?) as a company to trust and to ever buy another product from.

Change in loot parameters or a bug? [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


You guys should just give up on the game just like Anet has given up on listening or responding to you.
They are pretty much closely monitoring this thread, waiting to hand out infractions -so they are well aware of your concern, still they are ignoring you.

You will more likely get an answer if you directly mail to Crystin Cox.

ANet seems to have lost control and hence the needed touch to their (former?) product. Many of us saw that comming long ago when the news said that NCSoft would be further involved into GW2. Also, many of us then yelled “but it’s still ANet’s game! they will remain in full control!” allover the forums. Now look at the sorry state of affairs and how wrong we’ve been.
This game will go the TOR route and in 3 years we will read an interview stating that “perhaps some wrong decisions were made early on…but we adjusted quickly and we’re now doing great” -while actually the game had never recovered.
I’ve seen this happening too many times with too many games in the past, it won’t be any different here.
1st quarter after release = drastic and desperate measures (like we’ve already seen some ingame)
2nd quarter after release = heads start to roll and people clear their offices.
It’ll happen.It’s the suits who pull the strings, shorttime investments etc…it’ll ruin GW2 too and it already started.
Not worth the hassle anymore.

Why does this game need to load this much.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


My problem with the game wasn’t the occasional 10 second loading screen here or there, but the overall amount of loading.
Following my personal story, it easily added up to 5+ loading screens right in a row with just opening the map to pick another WP or walking 10 meters to i.e. a door inbetween them, which was way too much for my patience.

Has this game gone downhill?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


Game has been going downhill since…“Anet” decided to prevent you from actually playing it (farm DR, loot nerfs, mindless class nerfs…) and want you to rather just buy stuff in the cash shop.
That way they also don’t have to deal with the gigaton of broken stuff like classes, skills, traits, balance, economy, pvp, everything… anymore.

They said there are 2 guys dedicated for professions – i bet there is a way bigger team closely monitoring the cash shop-economy.

How many here are playing less? And why?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


Stopped playing with 2 characters at level 26 when i realised that the game is all the very same from level 5 to lvl 80. I couldn’t motivate myself to level anymore.
That, plus
-how the state of classes/balance, traits/lines and classes’s bugs are handled is outright unprofessional and lacks any sense of direction. Period. But then, what do i expect from 2 people probably drowning in this overall mess.

-State of communication (or lack of) is borderline insulting to a customer.

-Farming DR (on top of GW2 being a grind heavy game) plus in case you actually try to farm a bit, loot is being crap and the same ALLOVER the place.

-Economy is non-existant except for crafting materials.

-basic mechanics like the condition systems don’t work out in the long run. (some conditions last like 1 sec or 1,3 secs specced…what!? is that even worth the processing power?)

Add to that discouraging respawn rates (with mobs falling into your back again as soon as you loot your 3rd kill) and you have me stop playing until ANet (“Under New Management”?) get their act together.

(edited by chuckandme.8753)

I Know Why They Changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


I guess what we are seeing here is to an extend related to GW2’s sales haven’t met NCSoft’s expectations. If you’ve followed several polls and discussion before release, alot of people assumed that GW2 will break the 3mio+ mark in it’s first week with ease.
According to official statements some weeks ago, at that time they have been at somewhere slightly above 2mio close to 3 month after release. And like after every release of an mmorpg, many players have left again already. Let’s say they are sitting on 1mio+ active players, no monthly sub and not everyone spending enormous amounts in the itemshop (as to be expected in a game annoucend for casuals who now take is casual)…this is nothing for a game of this scope.

My guess is that NCSoft expected GW1 to push the inital sales of GW2 way higher. All this back and forth with poor to no loot allover every level, diminishing return on farming and various blatant gold sinks smells like “hey guys, we haven’t sold as many copies as expected, so somehow we have to make ends meet another way” to me.
Bringing the idea of gear progression to the players seems like a way to test new waters.
It will fail, as GW2 is just not made to cope with vertical progression based games. People are already refusing to grind out two different sets of gear for two different builds, Anet/NCSoft are never going to get them to run the itemmill.

How many people did you invite?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


I invited no one since i can hardly sell a game to my mmorpg-gaming friends that is exactly the same from level 10 to level 80.

Why can't I get myself to play?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


My problem with the game is that in many aspects it is varying from being unrewarding to be outright frustrating. Everything i do in the game seems to be just for fluff or doesn’t seem to properly work in a bigger context.
Loot consist of crap allover the place. There seems to be a few types of mob-specific items such as meat or claws, but besides that all mobs seem to share the very same loot table. Everywhere drops the same. That plus you can’t even go and farm said crap thanks to DR and a flawed economy (=most stuff 1 copper above vendor price) making the effort worthless.

-Everything in the game is combat. If i’m not in an outpost selling stuff, my entire gameplay seems to be fighting only. Thanks to an obscene mob density i’m also constantly fighting when i just roam around. Combat being the very same from lvl 10 to 80 doesn’t help either. One trait every 5 level is just not enough progress to keep me interested in my class or to look forward to while leveling.

-Loading screens galore, esp. when you follow your story! Every little back and forth to storyline locations, 1min of voiceovers, 10m of walking into a house, load back into your capital city, pick your reward, load back out again, load to the Asura portal, load to Lion’s Arch, walk 10 meters, load through another Asuar portal, load again to another location onwards with your story… loading screens them haunt me! This game has already taken away years of the life of my harddrive.

-Respawn times are way over the top. I like to approach things in a more tactical way, i.e. clearing a cage by pullings mobs from certain positions etc. as everything respawns right into my back after seconds. Just this evening i made my way into a cave when every 10 meters behind me the mobs respawned before i could even loot the ones recently killed. Once i cleared the cave to make room for a veteran fight, 20seconds after i pulled the veteran everything respawned back right into my face. Frustration to no ends, i logged out.
PS. As a mesmer i barely ever die or get touched by mobs, but my gear is constantly broken.

Currently there seems to be not a single system/mechanic in the game that is somehow balanced. Classes, loot, combat, professions, economy, traits, PvP, PvE..everything is just allover the place.

Colin Johanson Livestream

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


I quit the stream after about 10minutes.
If your every other answer is “yeah, we have been talking about that, but there are no current plans to…right now” don’t do a Q&A stream.

Cost of waypoints [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


What about Anet doubles the WP costs, but brings in mounts? I could live with that…

November Patch [Merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: chuckandme.8753


I usually don’t buy the hype around the first content-patch of any mmorpg, as it is usually alot of stuff that was half ready anyway but hasn’t made it into release.
I rather wait and see what Anet brings as 3rd or 4th content patch before i get excited. And until then, i would also like to see some much needed fixes.