(edited by cilice.1948)
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My female Charr Engineer. I hated the whole ‘cowboy or pirate’ choice that engineers get, so I decided to patch together something a little more militant.
My Charr Engineer. I hated the whole ‘cowboy or pirate’ choice that engineers get, so I decided to patch together something a little more militant.
I level’d from 1-80 using the rifle with a power/precision build, worked great. I always found that the process of ground targeting with the grenade kit for everything was very frustrating, hence the rifle build.
Go into the bottom talent tree for 10/20 points to pick up speedy kits/ static discharge. Gives you perma swiftness (absolutely awesome!) and allows your toolbelt skills to stack on extra AoE auto attacks. If you line up your opponents well you will stack absolutely INSANE linear damage. I recommend picking up rifle turret (never drop it, just use the low cooldown toolbelt skill for extra AA’s and static discharges) and toolkit for its incredibly powerful throw wrench skill (more linear damage stacking, with static discharges to boot.)
Not to mention the rifle gives you amazing kiting/self defense abilities for those pesky veterans and champions.
The downside to this build is the absolute lack of condition removal.
Absolutely, this build is extremely weak against strong condition bunker builds in 1v1. The point here is that you want to engage those fights after the bunker has already committed to stacking conditions on someone else, you roam, you don’t assault points alone.
My engineer is level 70, and has been my main character since the game released. I have tried SPvP, PVE, WVW, and Dungeons with her.
The best way I know to describe the engineer is that it’s kind of like playing inspector gadget.
You can switch your skills out on the fly to assume just about any role in the game. Depending on spec you can also become extremely strong in any of those roles. The class is very fun to play, but also quite complicated, the kit system in particular will definitely take some time to master. Having played engineer and tried several other classes, I can safely say I wouldn’t consider playing any other class.
To answer your questions directly, Yes they are worth it. I personally very much enjoy my power/crit based rifle/kit build, but I’ve known other engineers to love totally different builds just as much. Engineers can be squishy or incredibly durable, depending on how you want to play, and if you don’t mind being squishy they can deliver frankly stupid amounts of damage, though not in quite so quick a burst as a thief. A properly equipped engineer can take on a dozen melee mobs and kill them all or solo single champion creatures, depends how you gear and spec.
Find Teldo’s power engineer build on youtube. It has fantastic burst AND sustained damage, high mobility, and good CC.
The best way to learn its intricacies would be to watch it in action, Teldo does have some great videos of it in action during the beta weekends.
I have and do use this build with great success in SPvP though you might find it difficult to play correctly if you are the type to run in and get in the thick of the battle, this build works best sniping from the edges.
For this build, use runes of divinity (+10 to each stat, +2% crit damage for each) on your armor, berzerkers amulet, and superior sigil of air on your rifle (scales with power, does bonus damage pretty often.)
The last slot can be a couple different things. Rifle turret (low cooldown toolbelt skill triggers static discharge and greatly increases sustained damage, turret itself isn’t very useful.) Grenade kit (toolbelt skill does high burst damage, they have to be immobilized or it will be worth nothing, rest of kit can be good for applying conditions/stalling a fight with chill or blind.) Elixir S (good defensively, and for stomping or helping an ally stomp.) Elixir R (another stun break, allows you to rez allies while fighting, can be handy if you want to be more supportive in larger fights.)
Feel free to PM me if you would like any more information, or a listing of the full build I use.
(edited by cilice.1948)
I like the system that Eve has for this. People outside your friends list would be charged a fee for sending a message to you. You had the option of turning this on or off, and how much it would charge.
I say let us charge 1 gold per message and it will stop the gold farmers from spamming.
Ha! If this game had that system I wouldn’t charge a gold, I’d charge as much as I think they might actually pay. Just charge 50 copper for every spam message. Farm the farmers =P