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PvP in the Long Term

in PvP

Posted by: cleaderwoo.3914



Mini games in Hearts

Players should have the ability to play some mini games in Hearts while waiting for their queues. Quite simply, giving them something to do will benefit the game as players then won’t load up the likes of hearthstone in between queues.

Give Players a Carrot

Again, look at other games and how they handle their PvP. They have tiers of carrots. From items/loot, xp, to levels/masteries, and even more characters to play as.

GW2 needs this in PvP. Right now, there are PvP levels, and there is the reward tracks. Both are good, they need to be expanded.

  1. Levels can be raised, although that would cause a rift between PvP and PvE/WvW. They can be done in ways that make it clear they are exclusive to PvP. Think of how Call of Duty handles it’s ranking once you prestige. Not exactly that, but just to get the creative juices flowing.
  2. More development for playing a class in PvP: in Mobas particularly, you get things for playing certain gods/characters/champions. Something similar has to apply to GW2, in which the more you play a class, the more you are rewarded for such. Say you play a mesmer for 300 matches, you should have a more prestigious title than those who only play mesmer once in a blue moon. These incentives shouldn’t hurt those who like to enjoy all classes either.
  3. Titles. As touched upon above, titles are important. There should be titles for those who have saved teams from losing from stealing an objective, there should be titles for those who have played 10 ranked matches and won. None of these titles should be RNG, all earned, and some extremely difficult.
  4. Reward people for being patient. Reward players with a baby carrot when they’ve been in queue for 10 minutes. Players feel a little bit better knowing it’s abnormal timing and that this shouldn’t be the norm.
  5. Ranks. Players who participate in ranked during the season should absolutely get not only titles, but also different tier borders around their player portrait. Take a look at the Legendary Monster border, and the veteran monster border. Similar should be added to the pvp aspect of the game for players who have reached certain points during the season in ranked. This border should also potentially be seen in party lists (maybe even character selection screen). Another way for players to show off their hard work, and motivate others to do so.

Quicker Access to PvP

What would be great, is for players to immediately choose to log into the game and from their character screen, boot right into Hearts of the Mists.

“What’s the difference now?”
Well, now you can only do so if you logged out in a PvP match or while in the Hearts. What if you could toggle a button (on the character selection screen under each character icon), and it logs you into Hearts even if you were somewhere else on the PvE/WvW map? Quick access, and a godsend for many current PvP players who dabble in PvE and get tired of opening up the PvP menu and jumping to Hearts. Less loading screens = win.

Critique, add, ponder, and state your piece below.

PvP in the Long Term

in PvP

Posted by: cleaderwoo.3914


This is going to be a slightly long winded post, slightly idealistic. Essentially what this post is going to consist of is strategies to make PvP more prominent, both as a playable mode, and a spectator sport. Splitting up the message because it’s too long. So read all parts!

Minimap clarity

So here are the points:

  • Pathways clearly drawn – the minimaps now look great, but take skyhammer for example, you aren’t able to see where players can walk, or even where the jumping pads are due to how cluttered it is. Drawing clear pathways will help alleviate this. Foefire’s map does this better than Skyhammer. All maps need to be at Foefire’s level of pathway clarity or higher.
  • Objectives are more descriptive – the control points need to display more information. Instead of swords for a contended point, why isn’t there more detail on how far along the node is? It could be an outer ring drawn on the node that displays how many seconds remaining. There should be more clear indication on other objectives like the bosses in Nifhel – such as health remaining (to indicate to other team whether a steal is still possible or not). Spirit Watch – the player holding the orb will have their health displayed as a ring around the orb on the map.

Different Game Mode Queues

This is a point of contention, and I understand why – splitting the queues from deathmatch and conquest would break the community. Hear me out on why this is a GOOD thing.

First, you are scaring players away by bundling them together. There are players who just want pure conquest (as seen in other games in which they profess they only play conquest and none of the other modes), as there are players who only want pure deathmatch. Splitting them up may cause harm at first, but in the long term, you will keep more players as you manage to maintain these two groups who only want purity in their queue.

Additionally, splitting deathmatch and conquest will reel more people (most notably casuals) into SPvP. Deathmatch is something many players know of. Conquest on the other hand is more complicated, even if just incremental. Splitting them will allow for new players to join a deathmatch queue, get into killing people, and get back out of the game. There’s no learning strategies or rotations, they simply kill and enjoy themselves. This will lead to these players becoming comfortable with PvP, and eventually trying to learn how to play conquest.

Debate whether there should be ranked deathmatch or not is up to AN & other players.

Getting rid of Practice

Unranked should be where players learn to play. Hotjoin/practice is simply useless in really learning to play because the matches are really different and most often you’ll get really troll teammates or opponents. Getting rid of practice will mean players now have to find something else to do during queues. That’s where mini games come in.

Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists

in CDI

Posted by: cleaderwoo.3914


You misinterpreted that statement.

I understood the statement before the current CDI started, which is why I did not participate. When player comments and suggestions are not going to become a part of a “work order”, there is no reason to continue with comments or suggestions.

There’s a difference between demanding your comments become work orders, and adding your opinion to a discussion in which the devs can use (or build off of) to implement within the game. Surely you’re not understanding that, as you still hold your belief that there is no reason to contribute.

Collaborative Development: Edge of the Mists

in CDI

Posted by: cleaderwoo.3914


One final note about the CDI generally, I’ve said it before and will say it again, the purpose of these threads is to discuss design not to create a work order.

This is exactly why I have refrained from participating in this CDI, and will refrain from any future discussion. I’m sure I’m not alone in expecting some of our suggestions to be a part of a “work order”.

Really? This should have been done long ago. We’ve been asking for some of these things since day one. Instead we get handed material that we never asked for, and specifically don’t want.

You misinterpreted that statement. It’s a warning for those that believe their perspective = automatically added into the game. They don’t spend any time taking into consideration variables, and instead believe their opinion is right and HAS to be added into the game.

I see a lot of people say things like “this should have been in the game, that should be added, come on Anet add this”. Instead of wasting time demanding things (as you’ve just did), discuss issues and their potential solutions. Much better use of your opinion.

Vote for the Profession Collaborative Development

in Profession Balance

Posted by: cleaderwoo.3914


1. Ranger
2. Elementalist
3. Necromancer

Variety in Outfits [From the Gem-Store]

in Suggestions

Posted by: cleaderwoo.3914


So I’ve been playing for a little while and enjoying every moment but I feel like the armor looks too similar to one another.

This isn’t a huge issue at all, but in expanding the game, it would be nice to have more variety in terms of how our characters look with armor/clothes on.

I guess my actual question boils down to, is it possible that something formfitting like this image of Sofia Vergara on the red carpet (the image is also in the attachments)? Surely there must be a way! I would love to have more outfits (preferably through the gem-store), that actually look like individual styles that people could easily switch to when visiting a main city to walk around in style.

There has to be some fashion designers throughout Tyria that are wanting their designs featured! Dresses, mini-dresses, pencil skirts, tuxedos, full track suits, business casual, etc. There are just so many options that I think would be a great addition to the game. Ranging from the typical every-day clothes like a t-shirt and pants, to the more high-end like flashy suits, and elegant floor-length dresses.

Anyways if you’ve read this much, thanks for reading! I don’t mind if you have any suggestions/sketches of possible outfits that could be added. I’m mostly looking to the answer of if these types of outfits are possible (on their way?), or if it’s not a good idea at all. Thanks!