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Authenticator Questions/Concerns [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: clink.4936


Ok, I checked with Security, and these situations appear to be a simple misunderstanding of how the authenticator works.

When you log into an IP (or an IP range — a cluster of nearby IP addresses) you will receive a message asking you to verify that IP as “accepted.” This is commonly called “whitelisting” the IP.

If you log into an IP or IP range in the future, you will not get a message because you’re already said “This IP is ok — allow my account to be accessed from this IP.”

In the future, we will allow you to always require approval of an IP, even if it’s you logging in for the fourth time in a day from the same computer at the same location. That will be your choice, and many people recommend that you do choose that option once it becomes available.

But right now, in beta form, the authenticator “whitelists” the IPs you approve and then does not ask you to approve them again.

cant hackers spoof that IP address that the authenticator now thinks is ok? doesnt this white listing negate the protection of the authenticator all together?

Are we affected by PlaySpan's breach?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clink.4936


Are we affected by PlaySpan's breach?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clink.4936


I’m reading this too and wondering who PlaySpan is and why they have my Guild Wars account information to begin with. Are they a division of Arenanet or NCSoft?

Edit: The virtual goods monetisation platform is used in more than 1,000 games to power virtual goods and currency transactions, including titles such as World of Tanks, Eve Online, APB Reloaded, Aion and Guild Wars.

I’ve done transactions in a few of those games and am curious why I never saw any mention of this company being included in the loop when giving out my personal information.

i think they handle the “store/cash shop” aspects of these games

Are we affected by PlaySpan's breach?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clink.4936


I’d like to know too. From what Im reading LotRo, DDO, Eve, GW1 are all affected.

New Cash/Gen Shop items?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clink.4936


How often do you guys plan to add new stuff to the cash shop? Are you going to advertise new addition of the website or forums? Ive yet to notice anything new in the gem store. Id like to support you guys by purchasing things but I don’t see anything Id want in the store yet.

Is there are test server?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clink.4936


Is there are test server? if so, how do we get to it?

Ranger Bug List

in Ranger

Posted by: clink.4936


when i stop i notice that my pets stops like 20feet ahead of me, often agroing things I am not in agro range of. please make pets stay closer to my side.

Which healing skill do you find most useful per class.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: clink.4936


Im curious which healing Skills you guys find most useful for your class. IS it situational? do you ever use any of the other healing skills? How do you choose?
please give your class and the skill name.

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: clink.4936


please increase collections stack size.
please allow custom map markers.
please break up the interaction functions like…
F=npc/item interaction

Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: clink.4936


id like to see…
1 – spell effects filters example – show mine only/show group only/show all
if not filters then a way to adjust the spell effect separately

2- make story rewards scale to you actual level not your adjusted level.

3- the ability to reposition all skills on the hotbar to my liking.

4- allow us to set status to invisible by default.. or invisible to all not onf riedns list or in guild.

(edited by clink.4936)