Showing Posts For codinky.4590:

Banned for What?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: codinky.4590


Well that is part of the problem. They have said send only 1 ticket, and duplicates will send you to the back of the line.

First he needs to close this duplicate ticket. And he needs to give them time to reply. Did he get the automated message when he sent in his ticket? If he didn’t get that, then he’s not getting any mail from Anet. There is information in the sticky on what he should try, and if that doesn’t work, send in a ticket with a different email, referencing his first ticket number, explaining he’s not receiving their emails.

He got the Automated replys, It’s more of a matter that he hasn’t received any details concerning said suspension. He only found out about the Suspension due to him getting disconnected then trying to log into the game again. His Ticket Number is 1752415

(edited by codinky.4590)

Banned for What?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: codinky.4590


My Roommate is experiencing the Same issue, except he can’t access the forums. Infact, Support will not tell him Absolutely Anything about why he was suspended or Even Respond to his Inquiries. He tells me that in the past 48 hours he’s submitted 2 tickets and sent 13 emails trying to get Information.