(edited by conrad wong.2015)
Showing Posts For conrad wong.2015:
Not trying to devalue GW or what but we could borrow the phasing technology from WoW so that players can get their own phase and enjoy the events in say, a week’s time.
If you log in on Monday and finish everything then fine the event concludes in your world. But if you log in Monday and then have to wait till Sunday to log in again, then the event will wait for you to complete. Anet simply closes the whole thing on the next Monday. This way, you give reasonable amount of time to players.
Since events scale to number of participating players, there should not be any gameplay / difficulty issues.
Actually, the difficulty of any particular dungeon is not the major concern here. What’s more important is to understand that Story Mode is called Story Mode because it’s supposed to focus on the story. And its rather difficult to enjoy the story if the combat elements are so overwhelming. I’d recommend that difficulty of all story mode dungeons be tuned down, but that of all explorable dungeons be drastically increased. This game is a RPG so don’t let RP elements get smashed by combat!