Showing Posts For cowman.8901:
I am in Nederlands playing on a NA server and having a bad time with ms, routing,
and number of hops to my server.
Will someone please post the IP address of their EU server and name of server here for me. I have a good guild now and I would hate to go to EU servers if they are not better in respect to my path. Any EU server will do.
thank you
Type 7:
“I do WvW, PVE, dungeons and sPVP; I am a competent player and I can do maths, so I realise the new gear with 3% total extra stats has literally no impact on the outcome of any of those activities.”
That would be 3% today right?
I have had those purple hammers beat on me before.
Experience tells me that is the future.
WvW against superior gear sucks.
D —been here before where company gives dungeon people superior gear.
I know how bad it can be in the end. No use wasting time here.
Considering 90% of the forum complaining came from about 10% of the actual game population. I’d say they’re doing alright.
Far be it from me to just blurt out numbers, I somewhat agree that there’s really no way to say how representative of the community the forum of a game is.
But it will be ignorant of them to ignore. Case in point – CCP and EVE online
Here’s a link to the official apology to the community from CCP do not refer to CCP with any kind of positive statement.
I can understand a game company being greedy but I will never
understand CCP’s stupidy.New inventory system .<<<This
Look also at SWTOR’s forum a few months into it’s release. There’s little argument now that the game failed it’s initial release. There’s been very vocal warnings from the community of what was happening. Almost every single time, all the warnings came true pretty much exactly as people predicting.
Also, bear in mind that each MMO’s forum community is different. Just because one game’s forum only behaves one way, doesn’t mean that all MMO forum goers are the same way.
EDIT: weird, I can’t seem to get the link to work. Anyways, just google “A letter to the followers of EVE” if you’re interested.
So far – MMO history have shown more often than not that the ‘doomsayers’ usually are way more correct about a games chances than the fanbois.
And player numbers usually seem to fall along side the ‘doomsayers’ (cause otherwise numbers wouldn’t have dropped off as much as they did in those games).If people complain about things in MMOs, it is usually because they care about it and want to see it succeed instead of turning in to another run-of-the-mill ‘this game had potential, but…. ’ MMOs we’ve seen way too many of over the last number of years.
I do think ANet has messed up big time now. Both with Lost Shore event and with Ascended gear and gating at least the current new dungeon – I hope they learn from it.
I’m just not sure I’ll wait around in the hope it does. I’ve sunk enough time and money into this game and seeing them change around their design philosophies – pretty much over night – gives me very little confidence they will.
I like the art work.
I like that WvWvW is not instanced and anyone can join when ever they want
until the bg is full. Opposing sides do not have to be and are not balanced.
I like the lack of long CC in WvWvW.
i Have been waiting for skill point NPC in Dissun’s Mine for 2 days. The event boss
symbol is there and there are no enemy in the cave .
I realize this was reported earlier this month but was fixed and now broken again.,