Showing Highly Rated Posts By dace.8019:

Post your ugliest armors here!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dace.8019


Not mine, but a picture I spotted on another thread.


Sodapoppin and his impact good or bad?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dace.8019


The biggest question is


Diving goggles level gated?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dace.8019


I remember the first time I saw Diving Goggles, conveniently placed on the precipice of a ledge above some water.

After the initial shock wore off, I stood staring down at them, my mind racing to comprehend their meaning, Literally a couple of possibilities swirled around my tiny brain but it was too much. Exhausted, I logged off.

I went for a walk just to clear my mind. The image of those goggles haunted me as I walked along the path, teasing me with their impenetrable puzzle. I saw the moon and the stars, and it dawned on me. Just like the endless mysteries of the universe, I was not meant to understand. In another life, in another time – maybe.

I had looked upon those goggles on that ledge like a mouse looks upon Michaelangelo’s David. They were simply too huge to comprehend, to hold their full meaning in my head would be like holding the sea in a teacup.

Sometimes I still dream about them, and the ledge. In the dream, the water below rushes up to meet me, an epiphany promised within its depths – but then I wake up, and the dream, like the answers, fade away.

Lack of New SKills

in Profession Balance

Posted by: dace.8019


Don’t worry, this has all been advertised as something we can look forward to in 2013.

KongZhong: Details about GW2 China

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dace.8019


  • strong E-sports potential

Haha, yes, those were the days when we thought that too.