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new Tag commander (small groups)

in WvW

Posted by: darkkyo.9518


Other suggestion to avoid Zerg is:

Put one Castle at each map !


Change the model of Eternal Battlegrounds.
Like UT3 Capture the flag (Type game), put 3 spot to contest the Castle.

new Tag commander (small groups)

in WvW

Posted by: darkkyo.9518


I like the idea, the problem with commanders on map is that it quickly becomes a zerg train that is pretty boring. Encouraging small groups with a size limit could drive out a lot more smaller melee fights.

Yes, The ideia is each Tag type have the limit number.
That away is easy to see the purpose of group.

new Tag commander (small groups)

in WvW

Posted by: darkkyo.9518


The idea is create a new tag to small groups (or Roamer)
The design concept is merge the actual icon with the basic professic at player.

See the picture at attachments.

1. have the commander Tag
2. have the minimum level, like rank 300 (Bronze Soldier)

Spend some stuffs:
1. Gold coin
2. Badges of Honor
3. Proof of Heroics
4. Memory of Battle

And do one quest:
1. Complete each objectives (Castle, Keep, Tower, Camp, Shrine, Sentry, Dolyak)
2. Complete one new WvW reward tracks
3. Others
