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[March] Issues with character art, weapons, or armor?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: darkleo.6572


Male Charr Warrior

Exotic heavy karma leggins from Orr Temples

Not sure if it’s a bug or not, but I noticed that they don’t have that cloth thingy on the back of the armour, maybe because of the tail. Just adding that part would turn out really weird (probably the reason it’s missing) so maybe a solution would be bending that part of the “belt” that is missing a bit upwards accommodating the tail and spliting that cloth in two with the tail in between, fitting a lot better. Just my toughs.

Another bug would be the about the footprints. Same Charr.

When running with greatsword drawn (did not test other weapons) or on all fours, only shows one footprint wich is also backwards. When walking, the footprints are on weird directions and if the Greatsword is drawn there are none. When walking backwards, they are fine. (can’t get them right with screenshots )


(edited by darkleo.6572)