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Tyrian Luge

in Community Creations

Posted by: darwinslittlehelper.7182


Many materials in Guild Wars 2 have a sink, a variety of ways of using them up.
Three materials from Heart of Thorns zones have insufficient sinks, and as such, are simply thrown away when acquired for many people. I have a proposal…with acknowledgements to others on the forums with some similar ideas.

Welcome to the Tyrian Luge! All races and teams welcome! We have a large track, greased year round by Airship oil! Lighting and power provided by Leyline Sparks! Construction and sleds modified with Auric Dust!
You can support your chosen team. Provide supply of needed resources to keep the track running. Witness the efforts, join in the cheering, bet on the winner!
Perhaps in the future, make a team of your own…
Meet the teams:
The Skritt : with a sled assembled from a variety of rickety parts, this team may be scattered, but they somehow manage to keep it going!
Team Asura: the judges keep having to stop the Asura from adding ‘upgrades’ to their sled, but this team of egostitistical brainaics will prove their genius
The Warband: The Charr won’t let anyone forge ahead of the best trills!
The Quaggans: These Quaggan have traded the seas for the fast track. As long as Tasoo doesn’t get motion sick…
Lion’s Pride: did you really think that the Black Lion company wouldn’t get in on this??
Others possible….
Basic concept: The idea of a luge was first proposed (to my knowledge) by another poster a couple of years ago, and there has been a running joke since Heart of Thorns about what to do with all the extra Airship Oil, Auric Dust, and Leyline Sparks. Our Guild(s) of players have batted around this particular idea for some time, but have always left it as a ‘would be really cool’ idea. I figured the time had come to actually send the idea in.
A track, as basic as required, could be built in one of the Cities. Several of the racial cities have a great amount of space available, though one could be placed in Lions Arch, and if successful, others could be put in other places. I realize it may break an image of a place for some people, so size and effect would be thought out.
As for implementation, it could be a spectator only sport, have some form of interaction, or even work up to an adventure style option. I think it would be hilarious, and fit within many of the greatly humourous details within Tyria. It could provide another sink for the Oil, Dust, and Sparks, and give a reason visiting the area the track is built. It is expandable- other tracks could be built to attract attention the particular zones or areas. I have a few other thoughts around this idea and others, but space is limited in this format. Better to whet the appetite..
I know, a little crazy, a little strange, and probably a lot of potential fun. Like the rest of Tyria!

WvW Poll 6 June: World Linking Schedule [CLOSED]

in WvW

Posted by: darwinslittlehelper.7182


These polls need more visibility to the general population. Asking for input from only the people who frequent the forums is a grave disservice to the large majority who just enjoy playing the game, and do not enjoy wading through the often argumentative posts and occasional hysterical whining. There are good posts, and some well reasoned responses, but also a fair bit of unpleasantness and textbook human behavior. Not everyone’s interest.

Throughout this polling process, I continually encounter people who either do not know a poll is up, realized they have missed it, wonder how it find it, or know others who have no idea about it.

If these polls are to have any real meaning or representation, a wider selection of players needs to be reached. Perhaps a global email when a poll drops?
Better yet, town criers in Lion’s Arch. Have NPC’s announce a the polls —even advertises WvW to the general population. We have those little messages telling us about PvP seasons on loading screens… WvW deserves the same consideration.

WvW is a great game mode, and it deserves support. Not all of us agree all the time about what form it should take, or how much our total game time it should be. We should all have the chance to help shape that mode, if ArenaNet wishes some input.
I also believe ArenaNet should leaven their response and actions with their own input, and not let the whole thing be decided but a potential voting coup.

-another concerned player

Your top 5 priorities for WvW-Overhaul

in WvW

Posted by: darwinslittlehelper.7182


Going to have to add my two cents.
I do think that the Alpine map needs to be fixed and returned…as part of a rotation or one borderland out of the three for the week. Alpine had its own problems, which was one of the reasons that Anet initially decided to remove it. Some changes to it, and it would be good to add back to the system. At least one more map added in addition would give some borderland variety. Three cloned maps are boring. When I invade an enemy land, it should look different than mine

I like the Desert borderland. It is beautifully crafted and interesting. Perfect? No, but that is fixable. Many have noted the towers are not strategic enough, and that movement around the map is frustrating and/or too slow. I think it is clear that gliding was intended to be put into the borderland and was not. It should be one of the options with which to spend the wvw points. This will require some map adjustments to prevent people skipping walls, as well as some no fly zones. All can be done, as these now exist in central Tyria. As for more places to spend points.. we have Autoloot! and a number of other suggestions, just none that give a large bonus or advantage, other than gliding.

One of the reasons for the desert borderland was to discourage the massive blob. The mechanics of the map do discourage blobbing, several other threads over the last few years have made great suggestions on how to break down this problematic play style.
I understand that some people like it a lot, and that many will follow the loot train with little fear of significant threat and even thought. Harsh perhaps, but I prefer more interesting play. The changes to rezzing are a good start to making blobs more vulnerable. Perhaps some stability and/or other changes?

I DO want to see the massive fights for an objective. I just do not want two massive blobs avoiding each other and slowly rotating around the map, everyone collecting rewards. Yuck.

There are many people who play WvW, and many more who would if they knew how fun it can be at its best. Like everyone else who posts here, I know people who think that WvW is interesting, but could be better.

Anet has made changes over the three plus years that this game mode has existed. Some have been great, others were not. They are showing they are listening now, keep the suggestions coming in for them, show your interest and support for this game mode.

One last note: server balancing. I think it should go some form alliance, others do not agree. I understand that. The servers, as they currently are, serve no purpose anymore. Some change is needed here.