Showing Highly Rated Posts By datus.4187:

More RP elements please?

in Suggestions

Posted by: datus.4187


Title says it. The world of Tyria is so beautiful, and I’d like to be able to enjoy it in more ways than just action and combat. The game seems almost too fast paced at times, and I’d really love some downtime.

A major improvement in my mind would be if chairs were interactive, so we could sit in them. There are interiors in the game that are so breathtakingly beautiful and I feel it a shame that players are unable to utilize such environments. The hunting lodge for instance, in Queensdale.

Other things I would like to see perhaps, are the ability to play an instrument, or play a game of darts, or maybe checkers… be able to smoke a pipe, or sit down and have a drink. Things of that nature. Things that will implore us to gather and bond in a different way. I believe role-playing elements like these, really strengthen a game’s community.
