Showing Posts For dayni.6427:

Post your dream Guard changes!

in Guardian

Posted by: dayni.6427


1. Judges intervention uses ground targeting.
2.Flashing blade will teleport you in the direction you are facing if nothing is targeted.
3.Scepter auto projectile speed increased.
4. 25% Movement speed increased in some Tier 1 minor trait
5. Aegis to be stackable up to maybe 3, (not sure if OP) might be a grandmaster in virtues tree. I think this would be a pretty cool trait and a cool thing to experiment with.

OP skill lags since WvW seasons started

in WvW

Posted by: dayni.6427


This garrison fight in vizunah border moments ago was the most pathetic thing ever in gaming history.. The fight lasted 1,5 hour and you could barely use autoattack. People will quit this game if this kitten problem continues for long.. Merlin your signature made me laugh.. “i pressed buttons and stuff happened” oh i really wish that was the case lol.

Why is this not an option....

in Ranger

Posted by: dayni.6427


Hi anet and everyone else, im a little frustrated why there is not an option to stow your pet while in combat, i do realize that the pet is a big deal with the whole ranger as a profession. But sometimes you just want to roll without your lovely friend.. Im sure im not the only ranger that want this option

AND sorry if im too lazy to check for similar threads

Weapon skills / Main hand & Offhand

in Suggestions

Posted by: dayni.6427


Hi, i dont know if this is possible but i would love to have the ability to learn new skills with the weapons.. IMO it gets pretty old quick, since you have all your skills with all weapon setups for your class at, lets say level 10 and even lower. You cant really tweak the character in the way you really want. Lets say i’m playing a Guardian and i really like the greatsword, but im not into the skills i have with it…Then there should be some other abilitys then just the 5 you get from picking up the sword for the first time, I dont know if this would work but it would be a beast!

The other thing i had in mind is lets say i want to play with a main hand sword, but you dont like the options you have for the offhand, then you are left with only 3 skills.. WHY? why can’t you ATLEAST put in a full skill rotation (5)