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Solution to fix the population imbalance

in WvW

Posted by: deWord.3182


As Cuddlepie.8109 mentioned in his post population in wvw and the ledership of the community are closely linked. Having the numbers is part of the meta of wvw (or politics if you like).
So if youre lacking coveridge then why not buy transfers for a guild or two. Lacking scouts? Pay them per hour. I’m shure you get the picture. Spam youtube with promotinal materail, spam the recrutment threads.

The point is, that youre community has the resources to do this.

But what can ANet do to help us in that regard?

Guild tax for one. Shure it could be abused and some guilds would fall apart. But having a weekly colection of gold just isnt efficent in larger guilds. And is annonying at best in smaller ones.

Sorting out the world recrutment thread.
Just look at the titles. Usually just guild tags and some text. What about server/continent for easier serching.

*other ingame communinty managment tools (heigher then guild level).
idk. Server Chat or something.

Any ways its late and my brains half asleep ^^

I hope this made some sence.

If(mob.lupi != 0) then dont spawn next

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deWord.3182


I can solo with out it, or you could bug till the ads spawn, but where the fun in spaming auto attack.

If(mob.lupi != 0) then dont spawn next

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deWord.3182


Why is this so hard to do?

The reason: Saturdays Arah p2 pug run, finish abomination, the 4 of us continue the path normaly, sudenly notice our thief is missing, [insert wp here]. Srsly whats the point of joining a run if youre gonna exploit your way thru (probably couldnt solo Alphard, heh).

Luipcus Solo questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deWord.3182


Ty guys for the tircks&tips replyes. The Furious Speed really helps. Now to try it on thief

Luipcus Solo questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deWord.3182


1. Stand close enough to him so that you’re almost touching his red ring but not quite pushing him.

yeh i know that, the domes are only a problem when he does his “big aoe” (whne lupi lifts up in the air) and i need to leap to him that part is allways kida dodgy for me. i eather eviterate or gs rush to him, but sometimse he domes me anyway :P, and i dont understand why.

Luipcus Solo questions

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deWord.3182


Hi there!

I’ve got a some questions for you experianced soloists out there:

1. how do you stop lupi from spawning bubles on you? I thogut it was that if you leap to him its enoug, but some how it doesnt work allways.

2. (i know this is more a question for the class subforums) can you thiefs share youre builds and tips for lupi, i wanna try something else then warior and the thief s/p style looks like a cool fight to me.

Apologies for my speling and what not, i aint english.

Lf dungeon guild EU

in Looking for...

Posted by: deWord.3182


Hi there!

As the title says im looking for a dungeon/fractal guild focusing on speady and smooth runs.
Clases i have at 80 & geared: guard(fractal 48), war, mes, ele, thief.
I’m no stranger to meleeing bosess and i know most of the common approaches in all dungeons/fractals. I am of course willing to lern new things, experiment, change my build ect…

Its common that people ask for ap points. I have around 7k atm for what its worth.

There is a catch: I will not rep youre guild full time nor change my server.
If youre still reading heres the explenation: I’m part of a wvw guild which im required to represnet when reaiding or playing wvw in general. I can represent youre guild 80% of the time thow.

What elese? hmm…. I prefere ts over party chat, since my spelling could be better and i’m not the best typist as you can probably see