Showing Posts For death ov sins.1527:

Rate the Elementalist above you ^.^

in Elementalist

Posted by: death ov sins.1527

death ov sins.1527

I’ll give you a 6.5 out of 10. I’m not too keen about the colour mainly because it is a tad bland, however i like what you did with the helm along with the rest of the armour set^^

Well here is my ele( Perifia)


main: warrior 80
alt: thief 80

Post a picture of your Elementalist [Merged]

in Elementalist

Posted by: death ov sins.1527

death ov sins.1527

My ele with that manly staff XD:


main: warrior 80
alt: thief 80

Dungeon Mentors [Noob]

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: death ov sins.1527

death ov sins.1527

hi i would like to sign up as a student (EU)^^

main: warrior 80
alt: thief 80

Stop with the PvE hate!!!

in WvW

Posted by: death ov sins.1527

death ov sins.1527

In both pve and wvw there are certain skills that is required, i mean honestly just because something is controlled by a AI does not mean its simple to kill. A actual team effort is also needed as well as a decent amount of knowledge of the game.

Same goes for wvw there are a heck of a load of people that do*WVW* all day but in the end still just sits in the karma trains mindlessly pvd’ing. And while this mindless state goes on there are others researching,developing tactics and builds to better themselves in this aspect of the game.

I’m mostly doing wvw because i love it but that does not mean i cant take a break to enjoy becoming a pve’er for a day so that i have a different challenge for a change.

main: warrior 80
alt: thief 80

What happened to RoS?

in Looking for...

Posted by: death ov sins.1527

death ov sins.1527

the guilds IBM,FRS and HT left to another server about 2 weeks ago i think

main: warrior 80
alt: thief 80

(edited by death ov sins.1527)