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Mordrem Leyleecher bugged?

in Living World

Posted by: defunct.3281


I just wanted to chime in about the necromancer problem. I have Rise! and boy did that not help at all. Dismissing minons was a problem for me, because most of them don’t die. But it helped anyway, for the one I could. After dismissing and not using Rise!, I was able to kill it in 2 uses of the special attack. I was in the battle for about 10 minutes, not really losing health at all, and figured I better look something up. I found this and the advice above worked for me, so thank you. It was more than a little frustrating!

Looking for HP HoT tour

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: defunct.3281


I do very much appreciate the offer, but weekdays are bad, usually. I work late, and after standing up all day, I’m usually exhausted, so I log in to do daily, maybe, and that’s it.

I’ve seen posts about running them on Sunday, for EU, and I’ve heard about US, too. I stumbled into a group that was doing a Auric Basin run when I was on my Necromancer and she was able to get all but the last with that group. I was really just hoping to tag along with someone and not have anyone do a special run for me.

Looking for HP HoT tour

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: defunct.3281


I’m looking for a HP HoT tour so I can get my elite skills done. I’m having problems doing them alone finding groups has been spotty, at best.

I’m on US servers, and want to run my Elementalist through. She’s sub optimal, sorry. I don’t have all the skills yet. I do have Updraft use, and bouncing mushrooms, though.

If there’s a normal group that runs this, and I just keep missing you, I just need a time and location to do this.

Thank you!

looking for advice on use of lvl 80 boost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: defunct.3281


Thanks guys. This is the type of stuff I was looking for.

I tried out the ele again with the temp 80 boost in Silverwastes. I love how versatile it is. But I got overwhelmed and went squish a few times. I took a necro into the same situation and with a staff and scepter/dagger, and all the minions, I could take on almost anything. I never died, but came close. Still learning to play the class, though.

I’m going to try out the mesmer again and decide after that. I’m still hard pressed to make a decision. I like both necro and ele. Mesmer I may not like as much, but I’ll see. Thief I’m going to wind up leveling at some point.

looking for advice on use of lvl 80 boost.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: defunct.3281


I’m looking for a little advice on my level 80 boost. I’m not looking for anyone to tell me what to do, but to share their experiences so I can decide for myself what I’d like to do.

I have a level 80 boost, and I’d like to use it. I have 3 80s right now that I leveled to 80 and basically stopped playing, because I like leveling so much. So I’d like it to be a class that’s painful to level (I’m a casual player), but enjoyable to play in the HoT area (some survivability because I tend to die a lot in HoT), and also get world completion so I can get all my HPs.

Right now it’s a choice of Mesmer (most likely), elementalist (lots of fun with this one at 80), necromancer (lots of fun, too!) and thief. Thief I’m having fun leveling right now so it’s the least likely.

I already have a guardian, engineer and ranger at 80. I’ve tried the level 80 boost on all the classes mentioned. I like ranged weapons over melee. For example, I really liked the mesmer with a great sword, the elementalist in general, and necromancer in general (like the pets, too!), because I could stand off and not have to worry too much about dying.

Also, I’m looking for a guild if anyone would like a casual player. I’m in NA, east coast, play some evenings after work (7ish) and weekends. I don’t pvp, but would enjoy the guild quests, and grouping for other activities.

Thank you!