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The main point that I drew from OP’s findings is that ANet simply isn’t in the mindset to respond in general. 805 pages of suggestions, at 30 per page comes to ~24k… That’s a lot of posts, and I don’t think anyone can reasonably expect all of them to have Red Responses. At the same time, that’s 24k since the launch of the game (unless there is a mechanic that has posts with no new response past a certain date falling off) and is an average of 100 posts per day, which is not a lot for a dedicated community support team of more than 2 or 3 individuals.
Add to that the fact that these are many of the highest traffic (And I can acknowledge that # of views and # of posts are both slightly fluffy metrics for traffic, but they are the best we have) threads in the forum, and of the 33 posts that contain discrete suggestions, 24 have no Red Response: 72.72%. Now, it may be that they are being read, and forwarded to devs, and even possibly discussed, but as Uncle Salty pointed out above, ANet made a big deal, both pre- and -post launch about communication with the community. But, as any Jr High student who has taken a speech class can probably tell you, communication is a 2-way cycle, requiring a sender, a message, a recipient, and feedback. Without feedback of any kind, be it verbal, or non-verbal, the sender has no way of knowing if the message was received and understood.
And that is the main issue that I feel this draws attention to. Not the fact that the CM’s need to respond to everything – because they don’t, but that it feels like they respond to almost nothing. Even of the 9 of 33 that did get responses, 4 were insubstantial, and provided no further insight into ANet’s stance on the suggestion being presented.
This outrage is hilariously stupid.
I guarantee an ANet dev will post in the next few days and explain that NO, they said nothing about adding new equipment tiers every 6 months
Direct Quote from the Blog Post:
This is just the beginning. In November, we’re only adding the first level of Infusions and Ascended Rings and Back slots, so that leaves us a lot of room to build upon these levels of Item progression in future content.
As we release more new end game content in the future, you’ll see more Infusions and Ascended item types being added to the game. Eventually, you’ll be able to kit yourself out with a full set of Ascended gear and high end Infusions to help give you the edge in end game content.
The new additions in November are just the start of our item progression initiative.
They may not have put a time-stamp in there, but that seems like a pretty clear indicator or “More of this to come.”
i love how a large group of people complained there was nothing to do end game (apparently), so they gave everyone something to do… now no one wants to do it???
That’s because the people complaining were, I suspect, the vocal minority who decided to not read or research what this game was supposed to be like. Then they kittened and moaned because there was no way for them to smack everyone else down with their kittens.
A.Net did not, however, make this decision based on community feed-back. This is long-term. They stated that this is “just the start of our item progression initiative.” If they had something like this ready within 2.5 months of going live, it’s been in development for the last 6 months, and just didn’t have the first phase of it in release.
I don’t understand all the outcry over this ascended gear.
Like, at all.
What did we have before it?
Were they on par with each other statwise?
What are we getting now?
Ascended gear/new legendaries
Will they be on par with each other as well as existing legendaries?
Is ascended gear simply new “exotics” and provides the playerbase with even more content to strive for and benefit from?
Yes. It does.
Is it a treadmill?
No. Aside from one special, completely optional circumstance, no amount of gear or combination of gear is required to experience content in this game aside from the obvious need to be at an appropriate level.
Why are we whining here folks?
The ceiling has been raised a bit in terms of gear. That’s it. Ascended gear could have just has easily been in the game prior to this patch so what’s the issue?
Seriously, someone explain to me why this is a problem.
Ascended gear has better stats than the exotic equivalent.
oh no i got that. lol
I put it in quotes to symbolize the fact that this gear is simply new endgame gear that a player can attain but does not need to as well.
so “new exotics.”
Hence my confusion as to why people are going bonkers. lol
The fact that they are “new exotics” is exactly why they are going bonkers. That is the defining feature of a gear treadmill. ‘Here are your new stats,’ coupled with whatever gold/gem costs might be required to give those new stats the skin you want. And, this is after A.Net reps and developers and designers have said, multiple times, that they wanted the entire game to be the endgame, and that when you got to max level everyone is the same, and skill/cosmetic choices are what define and differentiate you from other players.