Badger Spirits
Showing Posts For demoncijapsel.4650:
Badger Spirits
This is my ranger, It still needs some work on the dyeing, as i am not all that happy with the bright white
Badger Spirits
i rate it 7.10, Flame is a bit odd for a Iron legion.
Well i have a Charr warrior who is named Gabrak Steeljaw, aligned with the blood legion
Badger Spirits
My Charr Warrior, has considered the treaty to be an golden opportunity. On one hand, it proves, in his view, that the Humans still consider themselves better then everybody else, which is made evident by their refusal to give up fort Ebonhawke.
However the Elder dragons have the current priority, it has offered the chance of gathering Intelligence on the humans. Once the dragons are dealt with, or just contained, he is planning to start the conflict again…
Badger Spirits
It as always depends on the Variables.
In one on one combat the Norn will have the advantage due to build. However the Charr would probably win if the charr had the ability for a running start Pounce, the powerful hind legs plus a solid mass of muscle and fur hitting the upper torso might break said Norns back, or at least severely hurt him.
Badger Spirits
Honestly everyone from Ehrmy Bay should come to Maguuma, it will make us more competitive and we can get revenge on the people who outmanned us all them times. Show them with equal numbers how well we can do.
I find your lack of sportsmanship disturbing. However you can even win when outmanned, YB is the proof, we did pretty decent in T3, even though the other servers FA and TC had a better spread of population and utterly ganked us during nighttime, yet we did pretty good and we even beat FA from time to time.
Badger Spirits
To both Bunzy and dreztina.
I understand that both of you think that there is no fairness in zerging. Calling YB players incompetent and stating, quite bluntly that a 1 on 1 duel requires more skill and is therefore better then, as you call it, mindless zerging.
I would like to remind both of you that this is a rather weird idea of fighting a large scale battle.
I would like to refer here to the failed Mongolian invasion of Japan, in which de Japanese got completely ganked due to the simple fact that the Mongolians did not recognize the idea of your “honourable single combat”, they ganged up, and stabbed those samurai, (who to their credit were both better equipped and trained for close combat, just not in group tactics) in the back. Did this make the Mongolian Empire weak? on the contrary the Mongolian empire was the largest empire in the world, and was even larger then the British empire.
Which brings us back to your earlier statements, that YB is a zerg server. I would like to disagree there as well. You see i have been playing on YB since the pre release, so i have a decent idea of the servers population. and the fact is, that we did not have massive influx of veteran guilds or ppl.
some of the Meguuma and Ehmry bay ppl said that we are low lvls, poorly equipped and certainly should fall easily to mighty being as yourselves, and yet we are winning. If you ask yourself why, it can be answered rather easy. the power of the collective is always larger then the sum of its parts. meaning that de ppl who are inclined to duel, sap overall strength, as they do not contribute fully to their potential. yes you might be skillfull and wipe 12 players over the course of an hour. Does this impact your servers overall performance? Yes, you do disrupt the flow of reinforcements to the larger groups. but to be honest does that make a worthwhile difference? No, our “zerg” wont get bigger, but can still take towers, keeps and camps, while the gloryhogs keep winning honorable duels, which has almost no impact all together. So you are winning a battle yet losing the war.
Which leads to another point that i found rather tasteless, of both of you. You are both on the losing side, but i find your massive lack of sportsmanship disturbing.
@Archer: being out manned is not an autoloss, you are only playing the Hardcore mode, which is more interesting to begin with
Badger Spirits