Showing Posts For denali.5647:

Sylvari "Awakening" Story Issue [merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: denali.5647


Like most people, I’m not particularly happy about the response from Anet in terms of keeping us updated on the problems, and having both a Sylvari and Asura, both stuck in the lvl 10 story missions I feel perfectly justified in being unhappy about these bugs.

However, anyone claiming that “a bug like this should be fixed ina day or two” has obviously never done any serious coding (and patching/debugging) in their life. It’s not always that easy…

I’ve had times when I fixed a bug in one place and, without (apparent) rhyme nor reason, having it break in another (without touching the code involved), with the only solution being rolling back to the previous version and simply fixing the original bug all over again. And that can easily take a day or two if we’re talking about a program with 100K lines of code or so… I don’t want to even imagine how long it could take with something as large and complex as GW2.

Anyhow… enough ranting… back to what I started with: Anet, please, try and be less sparing with the updates, even if there’s nothing new. It helps keep people happy

I completely agree with you on all your points, and can definitely state that a previous Sylvari (that I created well over six months ago) was able to proceed well past this story point. Rolling code back six months would be lunacy (if not impossible) Anet did have the story working before, they’ll have it working again. In the meantime, I will move on to another character and check back in on my Sylvari in a week or two.

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: denali.5647


No longer working at Devona’s Rest or Henge of Denravi, not working on Erredon Terrace either (my home)

Moorwatch Tower Vista Bug[Merged]

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: denali.5647


Bugged on Eredon Terrace server as well. The Cattlepult text shows, but you can not click it and the Harpies just keep coming – no cattle are present.