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i came home all excited ready to at least get something from a chest since i had 30 keys and opened them all got another 8 keys from those and still ended up with nothing. Thats alot of gold gone. Come on chance must be pretty low for me to recieve not even those green items. not even 1!!!. -_- never again infact i dont even feel like login in and playing.
Think of ele as an out-fighter and warrior would be a swagger(taking your boxing analogy to the level of smb who actually knows box). Yes, out-fighters have to work more, throw in more punches while evedaing the opponent better. A swagger pretty much stands there, soaks the hits and delivers a K.O when he gets the chance. Are out-fighters UP because they have to work harder? Before you answer, Muhammad Ali is an out-fighter.
Oh talk about summing it up. This guy is good. He is right the people who say ele has to use all there stuff to compete against a class such as warrior who can just use 1 skill. Clearly warrior is an easy class. A no brainer class. A class that probably is unfair at the moment due to being so easy to survive and deal massive damage. It’s not eles that need there auto attack to be more dmg output to equal a warriors skill less ability it’s warriors who need to become more challenging to play to obtain there high damage.
Challenge is fun. Skill less and button mashing blindfolded is boring and repetitive childs play. The people who play Warriors are not to blame it’s the people who choose how warrior should work.
Please don’t Judge all elemental’s just because the ele in your group failed doesn’t mean the entire player base of eles are fail.
You know I have seen plenty of every class fail in dngs. You know why? because some people just don’t even understand how to move or dodge or what skills to use at the right time. It’s how you play not how fail your class is. So what, warrior can do the most aoe dmg burst*… but maybe not everyone wants to play the same class huh? it would be pretty boring if everyone was a warrior now wouldn’t it be?
My ele can’t do 40k crits not even close ever. But If theres 20 mobs in a dng run at least I can use 6 aoe’s and get them all down faster then anyone else can.
Some people think full crit dmg and max prec build is everything and then presume to aoe and pull all the mobs and instantly die is the answer.. Not really a smart strategy is it? And hold on why is ele pulling all mobs from the warrior and guardian in every party I thought they could do no damage right? I know because I made full glass canon and this is what happened to me, people thought i was useless and weak which was the truth until I changed my build slightly. I went from being dead every fight to alive.
I can heal others and slow mobs unlike what warrior can do. I can run faster then you to and I can have signet passives work even when they are activated, can you warrior? I have more healing ability to with full earth and full water traits but with full glass cannon gear. I don’t get 1 shot anymore because of this and I lost not much damage.
There is a fine line between playing ele right and playing ele wrong. You play it wrong and you make all of us look like fools. Why is that you say? because many people are judgemental and will just assume all eles are bad. Then people come on here saying whats up with this class and why is this happening. Why is my class so fail? Why is not the question but rather your lack of understanding of the class quite simply put. Sorry if that offends anyone, we all learn from our mistakes. I know i have.
It’s easy to blame a class when you have not compared other classes yourself. You probably are thinking I have not played warrior, This guy doesn’t know what he is talking about! Well it just so happens I have played warrior and I have played ranger as well. Warrior is the easier way out it feels less challenging To me. (my opinion really)
Furthermore it requires less thinking, you can button mash play and not get faced with death as much.
I’ve been in runs where warriors and guardians died while we skipped packs of mobs where I have the least health and defense yet I knew how to get past the mobs and survive. Then I get blamed because we should not skip mobs in dngs runs and people rage quit. I actually have personally kited 7 silver mobs myself in arah and killed them all, granted they did not range me only spitted poison fields everywhere but Just proved in my group that ele is no pushover when someone at the wheel is good at it.
Well I tried to put as much logic and reasonably response I could to what I’ve seen over my 700+ hrs playing this game so far.