Showing Posts For dexcaliber.7481:
I was crafting some components for some ascended gear, I had noticed that the timer is showing strange numbers.
I checked to see if there was any other posts on this but did not see any….I guess nobody noticed.
Thanks for the feedback, I figured this would be one hell of a job.
I was chatting with a fellow gamer earlier, and he was having an issue with the Story Journal & the 200 Gem cost to play past storylines. I had not heard of that, so I re-read the blog on the latest release and yep there it was. I thought… ok I can see that, but wouldn’t have been a better idea to do that for past historic events such as Blood and Madness, Clockwork Chaos and the rest? I think it would be great to be able to battle Scarlet again.
I could see a storyline based on Asura tech where they build a machine for a different purpose, but turned out to be a Time Travel Portal and your toon would step into a random Historic event (or make it a menu choice. which ever).
As for the achievement points, If your toon has not completed or ever started, you would accumulate those missing points.
As of this post it would cost around 25 gold for 200 gems (give or take) to change your storyline. Personally, I wouldn’t mind giving up a few gems to step into the “Wayback Machine” GuildWars 2 style.
yep mine are showing asian characters when looting them, and only the quantity of them in inventory
just updated, can’t log in
I have totally lost count on how many of those Dragon Coffers I have opened, I even bought a few of the Rich Dragon Coffers, though I have yet to receive any ticket. I don’t see why anyone would use this as an excuse to leave the game. Yeah I would love to have a ticket or two drop, I love the skins for the shortbow and longbow. I’m sure that with the way Arenanet repeated the festivals in GW1 that there will always be a chance in the coming years to aquire them again.
If Autohotkey is gonna be allowed for this then there should be no conflict with using the same app for Combat Mode either. You just can’t allow use of one and deny the other when using the same program.
Knights of the Risen Phoenix [KTRP] is recruiting [Ehmery Bay Server]
in Guilds
Posted by: dexcaliber.7481
Knight of the Risen Phoenix [KTRP] is sort of a carry over guild from original GW. That guild was the Apostles of the Risen Phoenix [ATRP].
We are looking for friendly active players from all levels and all classes. Currently working on building up the guild interface. At this time, we have no voip but will be working on getting a server either using TS or Vent.
This guild will be active in WvW, PvP, PvE, Dungeon Running and pretty much whatever else there is.
Personally I like to experience everything there is to Guild Wars 2 like I did w/ Org. GW.
Note: If you have more than 1 toon (like I do) you are more than welcome to bring them into the guild also.
Guild Contact: Dekara Wildheart [In Game] , or send PM @dexcaliber [Twitter]
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