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Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: dmoody.1723


I think that mounts are a great improvement on any game because they allow the player to experience everything in the game without as much monotonous slow paced traveling. However the mount system needs to be strict. Every player should have equal opportunity at a mount, maybe not the coolest, but a mount non the less. Also, mounts shouldn’t have abilities to help in combat, use it for traveling and that’s it. I would hate to see mounts incorporated into normal Pvp because it would take away the player vs player experience. You would now be dealing with a player sprinting past you on a mount while you wait to mount your own. I hate playing tag. Also flying would defeat the purpose of the waypoints system so stay away from them. But over all a mount system that allows me to journey through the world and experience random events and help random players more quickly and readily would be amazing. I don’t want to spend my time looking at loading screens, but I also don’t want to be attack by a person on a mount or chase someone on a mount. Allow me to enjoy the amazing map more easily and I will be satisfied.