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Consider adding cyrillic alphabet

in Suggestions

Posted by: dniwe.4901


Great deal here. It’s true that there are many russian speaking players in the game and of course they communicate a lot. For those players who take part of russian speaking communities or just play with russian speakers (for a reason of bad english for example) it’s very uncomfortable to form the speech with latin alphabet, it feels and looks unnatural, sometimes hard to understand.

Personally I don’t use much russian language in GW2 for communication, but I would love to have an opportunity to speak my native language in normal way using cyrillic letters.

On the other hand, I also understand possible issues that may come up with introducing cyrillic in game. According to my MMORPG experience there might be and increasing swearing level plus cases when some people insult all the rest of players that won’t be able to understand that something is said — this would be the important responsibility for russian speaking players. Maybe introducing some kind of moderation team and/or some way to rapidly react to these insidents will do the thing (some people may disagree to this, but everybody knows clearly that this problem exists).
Adding option to block all cyrillic might be also right, or just enabling it for private/guild/group chat will be the solution.

As I said, I need a possibility to express myself using my native language with proper letters if I want to speak with other russian speakers. As it was said here already, it has nothing to do with game localisation for russian language (personally I would leave english game client even if I could switch to russian), it’s all about the opportunity to speak on my native language naturally, using cyrillic alphabet.

Kind regards.

(edited by dniwe.4901)