Showing Posts For dogmeow.3765:

Ref# 120911-001062

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


That did not answer my question at all. I was asking if the suspensions message you get trying to log in is generic or would it say you have been suspended for 72 hours…

Also if I were to buy another serial from your website would I be able to get a reimbursement on the first copy when you finaly unblock it? Or is this out of the question?

Ref# 120911-001062

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


I am wondering if I was hacked and it is blocked, or is it a 72 hour suspension?

Do the warning pop ups say 72hour suspension if it is one or is this a generic message given for any number of possible problems?

Purchased DDE yesterday, have not yet received game key

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


Gratz on purchasing the game! It may take up to 5 days to get your key, just be patient, very very patient.


in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765



They do have a post about this, they have said that for now they do not have any restoration, however, in the future they will release the ability to do this, and they can revert you back to an earlier date. Though if they do not come out with it say for a month or more, you will lose all time invested from now till then, just to get something back that you will have already obtained again anyway. (maybe worth it for a lvl 78-80)

All games record data on a time stamp. Some every night, others every 2 nights. So the data is there, they just have not either developed or finished developing the programming to enable this.

Picture of hacker using my account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


This is by request, to prove something is messed with security, I am blocked from my account, but my friend took a screenshot that shows someone is using the account and is somehow level 0 in WvW.

I hope hes having fun with my account, cause I sure am not.

Account blocked.

Um GaileGray, my friends account is blocked, that friend would be Brutooth the guy in that picture, when you said Account Blocked…did you mean to say you blocked Brutooths account. Because holy sh…t on a stick that would be some messed up sh…t right there

Picture of hacker using my account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


Hes not online right now, I will reply back later with an update to see if hes still online.

Picture of hacker using my account

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


This is by request, to prove something is messed with security, I am blocked from my account, but my friend took a screenshot that shows someone is using the account and is somehow level 0 in WvW.

I hope hes having fun with my account, cause I sure am not.


I am blocked, the hacker is not....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


Here is the proof, this is my friends toon, on the left my account is DOGMEOW and it says im lvl 0 norn in wvw. This was taken 12 hours after I was blocked from my account.


Tickets take 5 days, confirmed

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


After wanting to know if we wait 5 days to get a response, I was told I was wrong, and that it takes 5 days for them to examine your case and exact a judgement.


“The five days allows for review and resolution, it does not mean that at five days the tickets is viewed for the first time!”

Thank you, that was all I wanted to hear. I will be back in 4 days time to play.

I am blocked, the hacker is not....

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


Anyone else having the problem with this, I am blocked by ncsoft for someone possibly using my account, and my friend keeps telling me every day that I am online.

So I am blocked but the hacker is not blocked, I do not see how Arenanets software is working. How can the hacker use my account if the account is blocked for my own safety.

Anyone else noticing this odd predicament?

Updating tickets is detrimental?

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


Ticket made 4am Monday, updated three times, latest on 5pm Tuesday, GM Says that I just made it today.

Logic is telling me, that if you update a ticket, it changed the date of the ticket made to say that day, therefor it goes to the back of the queue line.

CSR: You made a ticket today wait 5 days….Wait 5 days? So what you are saying is that you wont even look at my ticket for the very least 5 days, and that is just to remind you that it is 5 days old. So you leak info about your player list, and we are out 65 dollars, end of story.

You must be joking….

Ticket 120911-001062 needs activation

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765



I provided all the necessary information, including making a brand new email and password for my account, I scanned my machine all clean and just need my account to be reactivated. Please inform the support that I have done as asked and am just waiting on someone to click the unblock button.


Game Improvement - Suggestions

in Suggestions

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


I was sitting here thinking to myself while my account is disabled temporarily for someone trying to access it.

How hard would it be to create an executable application, that would allow you to play offline. So you have access to the game but this second executable would allow for single player mode only within the game.

Before you throw down your nerdrage hammers people, let me explain why.

If you are in a queue of, 12-30 thousand, you are going to potentially wait for days if not weeks. In this time, if its a blocked and not banned/suspended account you could be playing your offline character. The game is doable as a 1-80 storyline questline kind of game, and within this, you are entertained, I would bet also, people would be much more patient, because they could in this time, be playing a different toon, maybe one they will want to create with their online account once it’s back.

Think about it, I am sure its not too difficult to have the game ping the persons own network like the game pings your servers.

- Meow

Players Awaiting Help [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


I am still waiting on response to my random disocnnection last night, I posted my ticket here:


I have not received reply yet, I am not sure it has even been submitted properly as all I have seen is an automated reply that has nothing to do with my issue, and even still I changed my email and password like the reply suggested, just for the heck of it.

I would like to know if a) I have even submitted a ticket correctly for my type of issue, which is very vague, or b) How long is the expected wait time on ticket issues?

Thanks in advance for any help or information you could provide.

Account Hacked? Permanently Banned? Post here! [merged]

in Account & Technical Support

Posted by: dogmeow.3765


Hi there, I am just wondering if my ticket has been reported properly, I appear to be hacks, it claims someone had unauthorized access and the account is disabled.


that is the support issue I posted, I made a few mistakes in verifying information and added edits to clarify and expand on the matter.

Could you let me know if this was done correctly, I would hate to have made a mistake and have to wait at the back of the queue at a later point. Thanks!