Hello! It’s been so long since I posted here – I’ve been working hard to improve my work, and I just wanted to say hello and share the commissions I have had the honor to work on
I agree, why do you charge so little? Those are high quality professional illustrations right there.
Hello! Just wanted to share this illustration I made for someone whose wife is having her birthday today. The asura’s name is Daevinity and I really liked how it turned out so I wanted to share, hope you like it
Thank you!
I have my commission info over here if anyone’s interested in a portrait
Hello guys I’m back! Wanted to share some of my latest character portraits I’ve had more time to paint recently and have been putting more work into each artwork. Hope you like them!
(why can’t I embed images ;_;)
(edited by duckgirl.8769)
Yes please PM me your screenshots
Hey yes I am, please send me a message
Hello guys! Just thought I’d mention I’m doing commissions over at Reddit : http://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/2kzjv0/character_portrait_artwork_commissions_by/
Would love to hear from you if you’re interested my email is duckgirl_gw2@yahoo.com for requests. Thanks!
Hey guys!
I just wanted to thank everyone who ordered commissions from me, and waited very patiently when it started taking months to complete
After Akio’s portrait I won’t be taking on any more gold commissions. It was a good run, I painted around 60 of your characters overall. I’ll put them all up somewhere so everyone can see ^^
Shameless plug: I’ll still be on DeviantArt (duckgirl722) doing other kinds of commissions so you can still drop me a note there
Again thank you all!
Jyl <3
(edited by duckgirl.8769)
Hello guys! I’m sorry but I’m not taking commissions anymore indefinitely because of busy RL. I have just finished Enchantress’s portraits, will post that soon!
So much work to do! Hang tight guys
I’m back guys Working on Enchantress’s two characters now
Hey guys, specifically Enchantress and AkioFallstar, I want to apologize for being unable to work on your portraits yet – I’m stuck in real work crunch until August 10th (I work as an artist for casual games, and every deadline comes with really terrible crunch!) so the week after that is when I can continue working on your portraits and when you can expect them finished and perfect! I didn’t want to squeeze you guys into my deadly work schedule because I didn’t want to produce a product that’s not best quality. But after this deadline you’ll definitely get really beautiful ones! Again I’m so so sorry and hope you guys understand
No I’m not currently and indefinitely Sorry!
Hey all! Sorry for the slow progress Just wanted to post an update – I am in the middle of coloring Kittenson’s portrait now
Hello guys, sorry but the queue is closed currently heh :p
I’ve just finished my backlog from the previous batch and am currently working on Meiaka’s characters
White’s portrait (long overdue from the last batch, so sorry!)
Hello Vavume, since the queue opened June 1st midnight I cannot add you since your post was a few days before that sorry You can post again when the queue clears up soon, I’ll post here when it does
Hello Meiaka, half of the payment after I give you your sketch and the rest after it’s finished thank you!
Kitten- Yes it is! You have a new nickname! Rofl
Alfador- I’m sorry!
Okay, June queue:
1. Rhongo
2. Meiaka
3. kittensonhei
4. Enchantress
5. AkioFallstar
Please send me screenies if you haven’t yet
Omg LOL! Okay, 5 minutes after the clock struck midnight of June 1st and the queue is officially full! I didn’t expect that lmao.
Queue list coming!
Hello Frin! I live in SEA so Singapore time
Hello everyone,
As I mentioned before I will be opening the queue for commissions on June 1st!
There will be 5 slots this month, and the cost is 80 gold per character with a maximum of two in a portrait. I will update the queue list on my first post on this thread. Please send me a forum PM for inquiries. (Do not simply post on this thread, send me a PM please)
Note: If you posted or PMed me before June 1st, you aren’t in the queue yet. I’ll only be looking at messages from June 1st onwards!
PS: I still owe portraits to five more people from the earlier batch (White, Calim, Thebearrrrrr, Vodac, Dafuh), once again I’m so sorry for the delay and hopefully you guys can be a little bit more patient with me :S
Please hang on until June hehe
Thanks guys! Yup I’m reopening the queue in June
Nebilim’s portrait~
Thank you Alfador!!
Moonlight’s second portrait!
Hello! I am back! Here’s Hero’s portrait, working on the rest as fast as I can!
Hey guys, I hope you continue to be patient with me, I am crunching at work this month so I’ll be unable to work on your portraits for now, but I’ll be back asap!
Huhuhuh sorry for no updates!
Rexxar’s portrait!
Hey guys! Thank you so much!
I wanna shout out to the people who are near the top of the queue to please send me a PM with an update on your screenies please Thank you!
About the queue – sorry, I won’t be reopening it for a long while, sadly… I’m not sure when but it won’t be any time before April. So if you guys are still interested then, I’ll be opening limited first-come-first-served slots, probably 10 characters a month. And because the portraits take so long to make (looking at you, charr!), I’ll probably be changing the cost as well, to make sure that those in queue are the ones who really want quality portraits made!
Sorry guys and thank you for your patience again for those still in queue
Thanks Outrag! Got your email too <3
Thanks all! All changes noted As I mentioned before, I’m sorry but commissions are closed for now!
Portrait for Crazylegsmurphy!