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Twice-Told Legend Title, Not good enough.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dyo.1263


Funny how you can see this from both sides and both sides are right.

A legendary weapon. Why is this even “skinable”? I wouldn’t even allow it to be account bound let alone reskinable. It’s a legendary weapon. Doesn’t that mean it’s a super, duper, awesome, rare, ub33r, wow, pow item extremely hard to obtain? It surely sounds it has a status of being excepted from the wordrobe system. I wonder why it isn’t.

Twice-Told Legend Title, Not good enough.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dyo.1263


The title is LOL.
I wonder how hard it is to implement new effects or greater aura or anything to distinguish true double wielders from fake ones. I mean they put out new sets of weapons every 2 weeks and I bet it can’t be more difficult than to make all those new skins regularely.

How hard is to make Eternity like effects on double wielding combinations?

Dual legendaries solution?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dyo.1263


Oh, please. Only people with dual incinerators you might see would be those already posessing one, and using dual daggers. I am pretty sure there won’t be a crowd of them.

I’ve seen alot of incinerators. Half of my guild is finishing one as I’m typing this just because of this patch. And it is not becuase they can change stats. The only motive for all of my guild mates is having the option to go DUAL. I asked them all why now? The answer was simple…on dagger just doesn’t look right. That is true. To me it didn’t either.

If you lost it that easily, it wasn’t worth much.

Oh really. So you are the expert on my personal feelings? Please, take your cyber buffed up ego somewhere else. I don’t even know why you are here? What do you loose by us trying to (re)gain something?

If you will “stop” being unique/rare after this change, it would mean that you never were one.

Again, expert on how I personally feel. So many of you lately.

Hint: not everyone wants the same things as you. And not everyone needs bling to stand out. Lot of people do that by being unique.

I agree on this one. The thing is relative. We are all different. We have different needs. Even in matter such as playing this game. I for one go for the best and hardest to create gear and that makes me feel good. Someone goes for pleasure of socialising. Another one goes for pro play skills. In the end we all want to feel unique. And just because my way of feeling unique is having 4 legendaries going on fifth which i worked so hard for doesn’t make me any less of a player/person. I feel unique. I don’t care what you think. And I’m loosing that feeling. Not you.

Dual legendaries solution?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: dyo.1263


Hi. (sorry for my bad english)

I wield dual incinerators on my thief. I love it. Actually I have loved it for quite some time now. I created them FAR BEFORE ANY OF THE ASCNEDED WEAPONS AND CHANGEABLE STATS changes came into this game. I never wanted that. Never cared for that. My daggers were plain exotic weapons with awesome animation. I never CHANGE STATS. I’m a zerk thief. I will always be a zerk thief. I will always use berserker stats!

But let me tell you why I created 2 legendary daggers. SKIN x2!!! I love the skin! I love footprints, fire on my smal asuran hands and the “zippo” like blades. And you know what? It makes me feel accomplished. 2 legendary daggers! I’ve seen 4 players with 2 incinerators in my home server and I was one of them. Accomplished! I am proud of my hard work! Hundreds of hours and my blody eyes made possible for me to feel proud, unique/rare…

Those 4 players (probably more but I haven’t seen any) on my server will get lost in the crowd of fake dual incinerators after April 15. Good bye my sense of accomplishment. Good bye being someone unique/rare! THAT is what people wielding dual legendaries will loose! And we all know that in mmo everyone wants to feel as unique as possible.

But I would never sell my legendary weapons. I did think about it but i hope that Anet will come up with a solution. New Eternity effects were a nice solution. Those new footprints distinguish the weapon nicely from Twilight/Sunrise. Something similar could be introduced to dual legendaries (of the same type) and this would make us stand out “again” from the flood of fake dual wielders.

And I’m fairly sure something will happen in the summer patch. So don’t try to sell your weapons. Just be patient.