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Xbox 360 controller and Guild Wars 2 [merged]

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: eSrem.1623


I have been playing GW2 with a controller since I started playing this game. I knew XPadder from playing Minecraft with a controller and therefore already had some experience configuring the software. What I learned from the profiles delivered in this topic was mostly on how to use the different sets and switch between them.

I used this knowledge and tweaked the profile a bit further. My experience with the available profiles is that I dislike having to hold a trigger button (or any button for that matter) to access other skills. This led to me not really using the skills on 7, 8, 9 and 0. Because they were hard to reach.

And a side effect was that switching to another set, led my mousepointer to become visible again.

I wanted to counter this by adding ‘combinations’ to my profile. I found out how to bind 2 different actions on one key. Accessible by a different kind of press. Remember playing street fighter? You could tap a button quickly and make awesome moves. That is what I have done with XPadder.

In my old setup, and the setup seen in most profiles available on the internet A, B, X and Y give access to skills 1, 2, 3 and 4. When you modify to another set you get access to the skills on forward, 5, 6, 7, 8 and so on. I made it so that quickly tapping A, B, X and Y quickly lets my character perform the skills 1 through 4. But holding A, B, X and Y will let my character perform skills 5, 6, 7 and 8! (And not 1 – 4)

This means I no longer have to hold a trigger button (or any other one) to easily access all of my important skills! With this feature I have reduced the amount of sets I need to play this game from 4 to 2. And I can make much more awesome combo’s because of the amount of combo fields I can lay down!

You can see how I did it in my profile. I have shared it on the link below:

If you have any questions, feel free to add me ingame. I will also provide a Youtube link tomorrow explaining what I did and how the tapping and holding works. If you have bought XPadder you can sign up for the forums and get even more advanced tips.

Quick explanation of the profile:
Left analog stick: WSDA
Right analog stick: Mouselook + mousebutton 2 down
Left stick button: Toggle mousebutton 2 down.
Right stick button: Jump
DPad UP, Right, Down, Left: F1, F2, F3, F4
Shoulder RIGHT: Dodge
Trigger RIGHT: Switch weapon
tap A: 1
tap X: 2
tap Y: 3
tap B: 4
hold A: 5
hold X: 6
hold Y: 7
hold B: 8
tap shoulder LEFT: 9
hold shoulder LEFT: 0
hold trigger LEFT: switch to cursor set

tap BACK: map
tap START: F
hold BACK: hero
hold START: inventory

(edited by eSrem.1623)