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in PvP

Posted by: echra.6872


Dodge a bunch of thief attacks because all they do is spam 2/3, get hit by two of them. What does the thief have left? cooldowns? Oh wait they have to regen initiative until they do anything ever. I’m talking about the so called one handed everyday thief. Dodging elementalist things is completely different. Unfortunately for the ele, their skills suck for any sort of respectable damage output.

Buff ele, stop complaining about thieves to get it done.
The synergy thing was in regards to the options elementalists have. They just don’t have skills that go together that do enough damage. It feels like their things are all over the place. You can make some kitten good builds for ele, but none of them are really viable as damage.

Why do people complain about Bunkers?

in PvP

Posted by: echra.6872


the game right now is only balanced around thieves and bunkers lol … There is almost no place for the other professions and hardly NO way for the people that would like to play any profession the balanced way… as it stands now we got Glass cannons or bunkers and that’s it … nothing between

Bunkers need fixing, but so do thieves. You can’t allow these builds to ruin the gameplay of people not playing one of these 2 types of builds on the basis that they counter each other. Extremes of the build spectrum need some looking into. Balanced builds make fights much more interesting, fair, and fun.

Sounds to me like they need to fix the everything in between, not bring down Thieves and Bunkers to levels of “lol no one can do anything”

Sorry to burst your bubble about “balanced” but you can’t be expected to best a build that specializes in an area with a balanced one.

This game having no “roles” seems to have disillusioned people into thinking you should be able to do anything, just as well as anyone else. That simply isn’t true. If you build to be prepared against everything, you will end up being able to be subpar everywhere. It’d be like taking talent trees half way up for all the trees. You’d be able to do a lot in many different places, but then end up being kittened at all of them.

You just simply cannot prepare for everything. Decide how you want to play, make a build centered around it and play around with it. Depending on what you run into, modify the build to compensate. It isn’t that hard. Know your build and know when you can’t take on a situation. If you know your build is susceptible to conditions then start running if there are a ton of condition users while your removal is down.

(edited by echra.6872)

Why do people complain about Bunkers?

in PvP

Posted by: echra.6872


People have to put effort in and pay attention to kill bunkers, and be at least somewhat of a decent spec for killing them. Apparently people don’t like paying attention to what skills the bunker uses before using all their offensive cooldowns. YOU MEAN THERE IS SOMEONE I CANT FACEROLL AND KILL? Too hard. Nerf pls.

I miss the days when people would attempt to learn from their mistakes and failures in PvP.
“Oh, he cleansed all of my conditions after I blew my cooldown to stack 20bleeds.. maybe I should wait until he uses that.”
“What the hell, this guardian just blocked 30 hits of my quickness burst. I guess I can’t use it until he uses that and has no endurance(which is a heal)”

(edited by echra.6872)


in PvP

Posted by: echra.6872


Play a class that has to actually WORK for burst damage (Elementalist for example), and then play a Thief, you’ll see how stupid easy it is to burst as a thief. They don’t need a damage nerf, they need their playstyle difficulty increased.
I guarantee you just did more damage than my Elementalist.

Nerf the damage? Maybe its not neccessary, just nerf how kitten easy it is to achieve it.

When will people stop asking to nerf classes because THEY DO MORE DAMAGE THAN ME QQ. How about they fix and buff your classes up to the level of Thief/Guardian/Mesmer/insertclass. Thieves and Heartseeker have been changed enough for now, and they already allow you to faceroll your keyboard by lowering retaliation duration so you won’t die doing your “Damage Rotation” instead of bursting and managing your cds with theirs.

People are complaining about classes that synergize with their skills and traits. The other classes are just lacking and need to be brought up to such a state. As it is right now, ele needs work (in regards to damage/burst, not support/bunker)

Jon Peters talks spvp - mesmer on trebs, bunkers op, etc.

in PvP

Posted by: echra.6872


How many people play this game and still think Retaliation returns an amount of the damage dealt? People think Retaliation counters burst…but it will always return the same amount of damage based on the power of the one being hit.

If you hit me for 300, I return 260
If you hit me for 5000, I return 260

Sustained condition damage is the biggest threat to bunker guardians. People seem to have a misconception about “Sustained” though. If you kitten around doing x8 autoattack hits after using all your cooldowns on his defensive cooldowns then yes, you are going to die. You can’t just win because you’re sustained dps, you have to actually know how to pressure and manage your own cooldowns vs theirs.

Example is when Rangers come up to me and blow quickness and a bunch of other cooldowns while stacking 18+bleeds on me in the first 3seconds of a fight. What happens? They end up hitting themselves for 3k because they hit me 10+ times. I have to use one condition removal, and still have all of my defensive abilities left.

Retaliation counters people who just mash buttons/skills/damage without thinking. You counter it by making your skills as effective as possible. Don’t blow condition stacking when they have removes still up. Don’t blow huge burst when they have protection up. Don’t stun -> burst when they have a stunbreak. Hell, if they blow protection, YOU CAN STOP ATTACKING instead of killing yourself doing almost half damage autoattacks. Bunker builds don’t do most of the damage. You do the damage to yourself.

5v5 is as much about application of resources as it is builds and what counters what, and the simple fact is that you can’t drop a bunker 1v1 right now before his suport shows up, which means you instead must dedicate 2-3 players to taking down one guy, which leaves you with 2 other guys on your team trying to hold off 2-3 enemy teamplayers, therefore you are outnumbered and will probably lose unless you yourself rolled with a FoTM bunker build.

Yes it will take a while to kill a bunker. Sorry that a build designed to live takes so long. Their team will probably show up to hold the point, but you still managed to either kill or make him call for backup all by yourself. Normally that would take about 3-4 facerolling dps classes. Once you get the bunker start calling for help 1v1 he is going to be calling a lot earlier for the rest of the game, because he knows that even in a 1v1 with you it isn’t safe. Just the possibility of there being MORE than just you makes him call for help.

(edited by echra.6872)

Norn does less Whirling Wrath damage than Human

in Guardian

Posted by: echra.6872


Don’t know if it would change the results much, but the next time you do a test use the steady weapons bought from the pvp vendor. Thats what they’re for. They have the same low end and top end damage. Just an FYI for you/anyone else reading the thread.

PvP Greatsword Weapon Strength: 995-1,100
PvP Steady Greatsword Weapon Strength: 133-133

All these do is eliminate the range of weapon damage so your results are less random(since you can still crit).

(edited by echra.6872)

Renewed Focus vs Endure Pain

in Guardian

Posted by: echra.6872


Wasn’t letting me put in bullet format, and wasn’t letting me get to advanced posting/fomatting options..login server crashed mid post and now I can’t edit it.

Back on topic.
This is what Renewed focus gives you a 2nd set of if using the right traits.

3stacks of Might, 1500~2000 heal, 6s of Regeneration, 5s Burning on next attack, Aegis(heals and gives Retaliation on block), 6s of Protection, 3s of Stability, 4s of Retaliation per Virtue activated.

These things are what you give to yourself AND nearby allies even while knocked down or stunned. The range is pretty far too. I didn’t even include the things you yourself get, such as the extra Aegis, or an extra clearing of 3 conditions. It feels like people are only looking at the skill for its 3s Invuln. I don’t know about you, but there is no other elite skill in the game that gives this much to you AND to your entire team. A second time.

(edited by echra.6872)

Renewed Focus vs Endure Pain

in Guardian

Posted by: echra.6872


I’m confused. Why are people saying that you can be cc’d out of Renewed Focus? You’re invulnerable to all types of anything (aside from pre-existing conditions) for the full duration. Looking at “Considering the whole class” argument…Renewed Focus refreshes all virtues. Resolve gives passive regen, and while having the trait can clear 3 conditions while giving more regen. Justice gives 3 might(trait), blind nearby enemies(trait), and 5s burning on next attack. Courage being refreshed means you get a free aegis coming out of Renewed Focus. Aegis on use can possibly heal you for 500~800 at 80, give you retaliation for 10s+, as well as block an attack. You can also use Courage AGAIN for another aegis which heals, gives retaliation, and blocks. There are also traits that give 3s of stability along with 6s of protection on Courage activation.

Renewed Focus:
-Recharges Virtues.
-Blinds nearby enemies on use(trait)
-3stacks of might to you and nearby allies(trait)
-You and nearby allies burn next target for 5s
-Passive regen(stacks with regeneration)
-Clear 3 Condition on Activation(Trait)
-Gives yourself and nearby allies regeneration on activation
-Heals you and nearby allies for 1300~2000+
-Gives 1 aegis when coming off of cooldown, then every 30/40seconds.
-5s~ of protection on activation to you and nearby allies(trait)
-3s of stability on activation to you and nearby allies(trait)
-Gives Aegis to you and nearby allies on activation
-(Aegis with traits heals for 500-800, gives 10s+retaliation when consumed and blocks a single attack. This applies to the Aegis you give to your allies too.)

Oh yeah, activating any of them gives a bit of retaliation as well, if you have the trait.

The skill itself is amazing and offers much more than Endure Pain ever could. Sure if you’re not specced to utilize your virtues it might seem not so great, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a great elite, it just isn’t for your build. I see people always wanting to use this at the end of fights right before they die. Use your utility/weapon cooldowns to survive, then your heal/virtues. After all those are gone, use Renewed Focus to mitigate damage or right when you feel burst coming. When that’s done you have all your virtues back, and your heal/weapon/utilities will be almost off cooldown.

(edited by echra.6872)

Guardian block bug?

in Guardian

Posted by: echra.6872


There is only one way a guardian can block more than 5-6 times in succession, and that is our heal skill Shelter which blocks for 2 seconds. This guardian is not running Shelter. Because he is using Mace/Shield he only has one weapon skill available that blocks. That skill is Protectors Strike and that only blocks a single attack. The next thing he can use is activate his virtue, which he didn’t, or the passive once every 40(30s if specced) but the fight is shorter than even 30s so it can’t be that.

Don’t know what to tell you honestly. I watched as carefully as I could and the only skill he activates that blocks is Protector’s Strike which is the single block at 9seconds. Something bugged up.