Showing Posts For eiyu.2016:

WvW is dying

in WvW

Posted by: eiyu.2016


so the only thing worth coming back and playing is dying… guess i’ll go enjoy zerg based pve or raid world bosses with a group of randoms woot. /o/

Beastgate Eirra Kijin

black gate question

in WvW

Posted by: eiyu.2016


oops guess deleting post didn’t delete the topic >.<
didn’t wanna start drama and didn’t know we had our own forum
-what was in the first post-
i haven’t truly played for like 7 months are we still winning?(not trying to start a fire just a question)because i’ve been wondering if wvw has gotten interesting it was really boring on the first season.

Beastgate Eirra Kijin

11/22: BG/SoS/Mag (Gold League Round 6)

in Match-ups

Posted by: eiyu.2016


Also, these Blackgate Roamers have been giving me some of the most intense fights I’ve ever experienced.

LMAO thats to good.

Beastgate Eirra Kijin