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Camera control issues - a documented list

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: elexor.8695


As a long time pc fps player the camera feels like im playing some lame consolized game, who the hell needs acceleration when your using a mouse. the game does have a hardware cursor it’s the camera itself that has the + – acceleration it feels absolutely horrid. I agree that people who claim it doesn’t exist don’t know any better. this isn’t acceptable for a pc game. and the fov… again seems like its more optimized for a console game then a PROPER pc game. say what you want about WoW but atleast it has a real camera.

please just give us an option to disable it and adjust the fov/zoom i really enjoy this game otherwise. the camera man its a really important part of the game and currently its a real mess.

If you continue to ignore the problem you will lose alot of customers including me.

(edited by elexor.8695)