Showing Posts For elia.7061:
Hi i just wanna report some bots.
I did it also via the in game option (right click on the bot and reporting it).
I hope i wont get any trouble about that cause they were many (around 10) and have kinda similar name so it made me kinda spam the report option to be sure to report them all !
Should I post here screenshots of them ? Or is there any other formal way to do it than the in game reporting system ?
Thanks for all your comment.
The purpose of this thread is to get an official (Anet) answer of this, because wiki, like you can see, is not official/Anet statement (now it show level 70+, yesterday 68+) …
But meanwhile comment are still interesting, especially if you occur to salvage any item of lower level and get ecto let me/us know it !
Hi, this is a translation of my own post on the french part of the forum to adressing it to the (larger) English community of gw2.
I wanna know any precise explanation about the mechanics behind salvaging variuos item in order to obtain glob of ectoplasm.
To stay structured, i’ll ask this in 3 part.
In order to have a chance of getting a glob of ectoplasm via salvaging an item, this item can be :
- weapon | armor | equipement (necklace, ring, ..) | other?
- quality : white|blue|green|yellow|orange|purple
- level : 76+ | 70+ | any level (with same chance at any level or more chance the greater the level is?)
Thanks if you can give me any official answer to that question !