Showing Posts For elicious.9214:

[Crystal Desert] GodlyArms [GDAM] recruiting

in Looking for...

Posted by: elicious.9214


I am interested in joining. What time are you usually online?

It's expensive to play with low-level friends.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elicious.9214


Sooo… while your friends run to the way point, and likely fight their way to it. You leave them behind, and teleport to the way point. Then come here and complain that you have to pay for something that was completely optional, when you had the choice to run with them and help them instead.

Seems legit.

It’s actually the other way around. Your low level friend uses waypoints to hop around the map because their costs are still measured in coppers instead of silvers and you, being the high level friend helping him, has to run after him because you can’t afford to hop around the map.

Players are surprisingly helpful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elicious.9214


I don’t think it surprised me as much because I haven’t really played other MMO’s since Ultima Online years ago, but I have definately noticed it. Both with players randomly joining in with events or detouring to rez someone, and with people being willing to answer questions in map chat.

Contrast that with my first experience meeting another player in WoW when I did the free trial:
Me: Hi.
Them: Plz leave
Me: Um…ok

I later learned that the problem was they were trying to camp a spawn point to gather items for a quest and my being there could cost them drops and XP, which makes it somewhat understandable, but at the time it really threw me. And for the record I’m not suggesting this is either unique to or worse in WoW than other games, it’s just a short and memorable example.

To my mind wanting to avoid other players defeats the entire point of an MMO and should IMO be considered a big problem. I’m very happy to have found a game that seems to be aiming for, and achieving, the opposite.

This is exactly what I’m talking about. Removing the first dibs tapping system prevalent in so many MMOs promotes people working together instead of avoiding eachother. Other people are no longer competition, but a way to earn your rewards even faster than if you worked alone.

Players are surprisingly helpful

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elicious.9214


Single serve friends. I think it works great. In other MMOs with the “tapping system” you’ll generally see people running past you and a mob and you would do the same. You tend to avoid other people because they are competition for a somewhat limited resource (loot, XP, quest items).

I like this system much better because instead of avoiding people, you group up, without really grouping up or saying anything. You just work together towards a common goal. I can’t believe we used the “tapping system” for so long when it promotes people avoiding eachother, in an MMO.

It's expensive to play with low-level friends.

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elicious.9214


This is exactly the reason I created an alt to play with low level friends. Paying high level taxes for playing in a low level area isn’t worth it.

Lack of Mana/Energy

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: elicious.9214


Try playing a thief. No CDs (on weapon skills) They just drain resource that slowly recharges.

How to #GUEST# on another server?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: elicious.9214


How does guesting affect WvWvW matchup? WvWvW is the only thing you can’t do via guesting. Why don’t they allow us to guest now? I can only play with 1 group of friends at the moment. By the time they allow guesting, most of my friends will probably not be logging in as much. I’m already seeing my friends list offline most of the time.