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To Those Who Have Quit This Game

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emperor.9625


I removed GW2 this week after logging in twice in almost 2 months. They’ve just taken too much out of the game, small things but it’s the direction the game is taking that’s just not what I want. Was fun for a while but reached a dead -end.

Why would you quit GW2 in 2014?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: emperor.9625


I play so little now I might as well have quit. There’s hardly anything to draw me into the game anymore, there’s actually less than when I started. I will say that GW2 has the best graphics I have seen, a gorgeous game. But it’s just not enough.

For me personally the complete lack of progression, an absolute staple of MMO’s, has me stumped. There’s nowhere I can take my characters or anything I can work towards that has a point. Raid based MMO’s have it made, end content is harder – better gear aids your progress. What do I need better gear for in GW2. Apart from cosmetics not much. I don’t pvp. I’ve got 1 world explorer minus the pvp.

Some parts of the Living Story were enjoyable, some not. I go to admire the artwork and graphics, do some zerging. Zerging was something I enjoyed doing for an hour or 2 now and then, play the champ bag roulette. Now the champ trains have been derailed in 2 zones so I can’t do that when I feel like it. The world bosses that were changed pretty much taking them out of most peoples rotations because they are raid fights in a game not designed to support players raiding. (Imagine Warcrafts raid frames and grouping options, sigh.) Lost a couple of things to do there. The change to the timers, lost more opportunity for action there as well.

The loot nerf and the fact that my high magic find is giving me the worst loot run I have ever experienced is also a turn-off. Usually you’d get a carrot here and there but now it just seems to be all stick. Added in the fewer chances to actually get large drops per reasons above.

I dunno, if I have time to kill what do I do? As I said all the above things are gone. Where I used to be able to kill a few hours easily most anytime I felt like logging in with lots to do, I can’t anymore. They have to stop subtracting and start adding. The little fiddly things they are doing are nice and all but it’s not changing anyone’s experience a huge deal. Unless I can have more to do as a pretty casual player, I might be a once or twice a year player. EDIT Oops I forgot. If the only new content continues to be Living Story there won’t be a point to checking in because the content won’t be there lol.

(edited by emperor.9625)

WoW to GW2

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: emperor.9625


Something you gotta get used to right away is that unlike WOW, this game begins at level 1. Do not think you have to race to max level before the game opens up, it’s there right from the start. Every zone has its own story going on and thanks to the feature that adjusts your level down to match the area if you miss one, you can always go back and enjoy them.

Also unlike WOW, there’s lots of cool things to find on maps besides flight paths. Vistas, waypoints, points of interests, caves, jumping puzzles etc. Exploring underwater is also well worth it, lots of stuff going on under the sea and in lakes and it all looks simply amazing and unique.

As for tips, experiment with all the weapons you can use early on and unlock all the skills. Underwater too. Always carry gathering tools, you get XP from gathering. Pay attention to the NPC’s as well. Besides the hearts/quests all zones have tons of events going on that you can trigger or sometimes just come across as they are happening. There are a lot of chain events that have multiple parts. If a NPC asks you for help with something or you wander across an escort in progress, it pays to stick around or to follow them back home when the job is done. More often than not there will be more missions to follow and these are some of the best parts of the game I reckon. Sometimes they might end with something that will be beyond you to solo but they repeat so you can always finish them another time with other players helping. is a good forum site with great class discussion. A lot less whining and complaining going on there. I’m sure as an ex-WOW player you’ll be familiar with the tone of posts that the official site gets.

So yeah, take your time and enjoy the ride. Look and listen! There’s a lot going on.