(edited by enaecore.2408)
Showing Posts For enaecore.2408:
Hello everyone!
I am currently trying to craft the Moot but I am having some difficulties as it is a bit of a messy period…
If anyone could lean me a hand with the boxes of fun […]i didnt know you can mail those. i had one in a chest lately, when i get on i will send it to you. feel free to remind me via mail ingame if i didnt send it until this evening so that i dont forget to do it
You can not mail one you have. They account bound when receive. You can send as gift through gem store though.
oh ok, kitten . sorry silvia.9130, i didnt know that :/ i would probably gift it anyway right after i purchased HoT if i wasnt so broke at the moment, but thats gonna take a while lol ._.
I’m playing the game again (haven’t since early 2013) and i missed all the living story season 2 stuff so it is behind a paywall for me now.
I’m also kind of overwhelmed, the guild i was in was seemingly disbanded. So now i have no friends, no guildies, or anyone to ask for help. More than anything what i would really like is someone who can give me a place to talk to other people and have in this game. Like a guild ;P.
I don’t really want anything but some good advice on how to succeed in the game. What i’ll do is pass that on to someone else who is new(or returning) and may need help. =)
you just made a friend, feel free to add me
oh, and drop a mail so i dont get confused ^^
(edited by enaecore.2408)
Hello everyone!
I am currently trying to craft the Moot but I am having some difficulties as it is a bit of a messy period…
If anyone could lean me a hand with the boxes of fun […]
i didnt know you can mail those. i had one in a chest lately, when i get on i will send it to you. feel free to remind me via mail ingame if i didnt send it until this evening so that i dont forget to do it
Reading this thread really made me smile. To be honest, i wouldnt have thought of so many noble souls being around, it really made my day. I would never have dared to ask anyone for this but as i read through this i figured i could as well give it a try :>
Playing gw2 for about a month now and just 2 days ago hit 80 with my ele, however i cant seem to look as neat as others do v.v i reeally like the arcane outfit though but can’t afford it ._.
otherwise, im desperately searching for 400-500 tailor materials, like vicious claw and vicious fang, powerful blood, ancient bones, elaborate totems etc..
Anything would be greatly appreciated also, my friends list is kinda empty^^
thanks in advance for any kind donations and i will of course update this post accordingly.
Just logged into the game and had 20 Powerful Venom Sac, 20 Ancient Bones, 20 Vicious Fangs and 10 Flawless Snowflakes waiting for me, from “the mysterious Mesmer that sent stuff from the Mists”
Again, thank you! you saved me a lot of time^^
with those, ill surely be able to progress my tailor a fair bit once i farmed all those ectos ^^
AAND another noble soul gifted 15 ectos today! i am so happy ^.^"
you guys rock!
(edited by enaecore.2408)