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Elementalist changes - October 7

in Elementalist

Posted by: fatjosef.6380


But ya when I read the ele notes all I could do is laugh.

Yea, like this.


Elementalist changes - October 7

in Elementalist

Posted by: fatjosef.6380


You can be whoever you want, they said…
Elems just can be nothing.

BIG SPS a-net, good job.

elite skill: tornado or hounds of Balthazar?

in Elementalist

Posted by: fatjosef.6380


Hounds of Balthazar must be your choice. They take aggro from you, and it can safe your life, while in tornado you can be grounded by ranged mobs. They stronger than fire elem in attack and earth elem in defense, also they have combo-finisher “Jump”.
And only one minus: cooldown.

Post Your Build Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: fatjosef.6380


Callmehyde, XI trait in arcane power, Evasive Arcana.

Also, Ryld, are you sure, that sigil is working? I mean, it says “when you swap on this weapon”, but elementalists can’t swap the weapon.

Post Your Build Thread

in Elementalist

Posted by: fatjosef.6380


It’s a trap! looking for working builds for future nerfs :P
Just kidding, but i hope the message was received -_-

Anyway, here is my “active-tank fit”. I won’t explain how it works, but i was testing this build with my firend in sPvP and take alot of fun when after HEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKERHEARTSEEKER i’m still with 2/3 hp and thief trying to escape under chill, bleed and burning with broken legs

The problem of the elementalist:

in Elementalist

Posted by: fatjosef.6380


They need to make guided skills. Dragon Tooth, for example, kinda usless in SPvP and even in PvE, but if make it follow the target he can be a more usefull.

Also, i think that some weapon skills need to remove and replace on something more usefull. I mean i really don’t need support skills when i used dagger in off-hand, i whant to make some damage.
For example Cleansing Wave. I don’t whant to heal someone, anyway i haven’t heal power to this and +1k hp is nothing in fight when other classes make damage about 2-5k.
Or Churning Earth. It’s casting like eternity, and only brainless stay in area and wathing what are you doing. Also, while you cast this, another elem can drop DT on you, lol.

inb4: elem is universal and he can be support and dd. Yes, he can, but when he trying be good in all, he instead of this became bad in all.

And i’m sorry for mah engrish.

If elementalists are so weak then why so many of them?

in Elementalist

Posted by: fatjosef.6380


Ye, attunement swaping is very funny, but i need to use 8-10 skills to kill mob, when warrior or ranger need to use 2-3 skills and do it faster. I’m not whine, i love my elementalist and really enjoy to play with him, but more damage will be nice present. I also can’t understand why arena kills perfect crit-build what i used on bwe.

Where's the Health?

in Elementalist

Posted by: fatjosef.6380


It’s kinda point of balance: Elem must have low health and high damage, but something goes wrong and now elem has low health and low damage. Dunno why. On bwe elem h/d balance works fine, but then arena nerfed elems to grave. Sad.