Showing Highly Rated Posts By felivear.1536:

PvP Livestream: Friday at 2pm PST.

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


  • Current unopened chests: To open, or not to open
  • Rank Tokens/tournament tokens With people that were late to the “horde your glory party”, and instead bought a bunch of chests, what can we expect to see done with the hundreds of rank tokens we now have from the salvaging?
  • Achievements attracting new players immediately. With MMR being admittedly too high at the default level, what is being done to ensure those players aren’t immediately lumped in with seasoned players when they queue up for ranked tournaments as rank 1?
  • Money/Glory spent on leveling tomes. Will the gold being spent be far less than the gold that would be spent in crafting? For around 4 gold I can get 10 levels from cooking. Will it be far less than that if I buy individual tomes?
  • Duo Queue – Is there anything on the horizon to improve queueing for 2 friends? Right now, the option is team queue, where you’ll almost definitely face a full 5 man team, or struggle in hotjoin to get and stay on the same team.
  • A way to differentiate between a PvP and PvE version of an item – Is there any way to possibly add a blue glow or some other easily identifiable way to see that the version was earned in PvP? There is something prestigious about being good at PvP in games, and it should show aesthetically.
feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

(edited by felivear.1536)

Ode to the State of the Game

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


State of the Game?

More like State of the Same
8 long months without meaningful change;

A feature is introduced then gets stripped like a boon
then others are delayed with a promise of “soon”;

We ask for balance and the developers snarl
instead we get the infinite wisdom of Karl;

“A warrior uses burst and a thief uses stealth”
“A necro has death shroud and a little more health”;

Can we get some love for warriors they are starting to envy?
“No, but how about we ninja-nerf their utility, “frenzy”;

Then will you buff sword, axes, or hammers?
“Nope, even better, a small buff to banners!”;

Why do I feel like leaderboards are a myth?
“We’d like to tell you, but instead we’re pleading the 5th”

My friends, don’t hold your breath for e-sport potential
After 8 months of waiting, FeLIVEar is officially MENTAL!

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

SotG drinking game

in PvP

Posted by: felivear.1536


Every time “soon” is said: Take a shot
Every time “we can’t really talk about that” is said: Take 2 Shots
Every time “we’re listening to player feedback” is said: Take 2 shots
Every time “fair enough” is said: Take a shot

If the PvP community is still alive a little bit now, they won’t be after the SotG, because they’ll all be dead from alcohol poisoning.

feLIVEar: Your resident forum king.

(edited by felivear.1536)