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Come hither! Twsd Descent(Isle of Janthir)

in Guilds

Posted by: fiodoria.6974


Hello! Twisted Descent is looking for 5-10 more members. We are mainly a PvE guild but some do WvW. Mature age members (well as mature as gaming adults can be together) from early 20’s to early 40’s. A small guild with all types of members on different walks of life.
Usually 7-10 ppl on during the evening/night .We run dungeons pretty much every night (80’s or lower lvls for exp), getting ppl the vendor tokens while squeezing in fractals. We also explain different builds if you’re not sure what you want to do.
We will not be your second job. No one is expected to be on all the time or constantly. A guild that is there for you when you log on, offering assistance, mats, experience, and progression.

We use Mumble if that matters. Send us a msg/whisper and we can answer any questions. Preferably, contact gameslave.1567. I can also answer questions if necessary , fiodoria.6974.

Thanks for visiting!
Looks us up on Facebook


Couple looking for small-med active guild for PvX

in Guilds

Posted by: fiodoria.6974


Hello Redwood and Nova!
Our guild ‘twisted descent’ is currently recruiting. We are just at the beginning of the process and waiting to see if we can catch anyone’s eye The guild leader is my s/o. He’s pretty much tried all there is out there. His main is a lvl 80 Guardian, and like myself, we both love to gather and craft even if leveling is pretty frustrating at times lol. I am one of his two main officers in our guild. I started out with GW1 , then became a pretty active WoW player. We ran a couple of small guilds together, had some fun and left when the game became over ran with kids. We played Rift and Warhammer running guilds as well. And after, we just waited for GW2 crossing our fingers that they wouldn’t move the release date!
Our page is under construction atm. We have members from early twenties into the mid thirties. (ingame names) Everis and I (Arinae) are in our later twenties. We’re looking for couples who are family oriented or have ever changing schedules due to the fact that they have someone else’s interests in mind and/or a ‘life’ (meaning that they have mature responsibilities outside of the game.) We also welcome ppl who enjoy the laid back, yet progressive environment. Anyone’s welcome to join, we’re just trying to give couples the chance to have fun with ppl and the game who’s schedules aren’t set in stone or who maybe share the same predicaments. Everis and I are the only ‘couple’ atm and have a 3yr old. Most of the others have spouses that don’t play and/or have children who are mainly on at night.
We’re a central time zone and have ppl across the states. We have a handful of members who enjoy pvp/wvwvw and dungeons with eachother, all lvl 80. All of us are enjoying our alts every now and then too. Most of us have max professions and help each other out with mats/armor/weapons/items for others. I like to give the new 80’s all new accessories. And everyone pretty much posts their rares and exotics that we can’t use in case a guildee need’s an upgrade or another set. All the regulars have MF sets as well and it’s been fun slowly putting everyone’s sets together.
We’re not looking to be big and outstanding. Just the ‘outstanding’ part is fine for us We hope you take a look and can talk ingame if you have any questions. Thanks for reading this, it’s long XD. (gameslave.1567 and fiodoria.6974)