Showing Posts For firelink.6329:

Season 3 ends, share your stats and feedback

in PvP

Posted by: firelink.6329


Started out with a huge win streak and breezed through most of Amber and Emerald. I had a small 2 game loss streak and never recovered much. I pushed through and got to the 5th tier of Ruby when I hit a brick wall, got down to 1 pip in Ruby, and went on a 9 game streak to get back to the top of tier 4. Since then, it’s been WLWLWL, which means I’m stuck.

It was a lot of fun though. I played Mesmer, Engi and Guard. Ended up at something awful like a 40% win rate. I kept getting stuck with AFKers, these thieves who would argue all the time and never play, teammates lagging out, and other issues. The GW2 Gods did not want me to reach diamond, which was my goal.

AFK Elementalist

in PvP

Posted by: firelink.6329


In PVP right now, there is an elementalist that is purposely throwing games by joining the queue and just sitting at base. He’s been reported over a dozen times, and nothing has been done about it. Is there any way to get attention to this?

Bunker Ruins the Game

in PvP

Posted by: firelink.6329


I normally don’t agree, but 4 out of my 5 matches tonight, over half of the opposing team were bunkers. How do you fight against that, especially in a disorganized group?

Why is it ok for eles to be unkillable?

in PvP

Posted by: firelink.6329


As long as you focus, anything is killable. I usually call target on the Ele and turn them into a Moa. Unless my group dies quickly, the Ele usually goes down.

Player cheating in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: firelink.6329


Thank you for the response. It was just so agitating.

Player cheating in PvP

in PvP

Posted by: firelink.6329



I was playing PvP today with my girlfriend and her brother and saw that one of my team members was just lounging around chatting with the enemy. They kept talking in /say mode so that none of us could hear them chatting. As soon as we got close, the enemy player would kill them, but on a few occasions we saw them sitting there hanging out. On a few occasions I caught him just sitting there while the enemy captured the point.

I was wondering how/if I should report them? I reported them under “Scamming”, but I felt that I may have not picked the appropriate action.