Showing Posts For fist whiskeyjack.4318:
If LA gets nuked, they Open up their city for the refugees, or help to rebuild the City. If this works lorewise… I have no idea to be honest
And Sry for the Bad english
The Kraits intentions are to flood Tyria and destroy land dwellers, included in that are the nightmare court.
It like some massive housing corporation is going to level your neighbourhood to rebuild and you side with them to help wipe out the street, but your house is also on the hit list. Why would you side with them? Quite simply – you wouldn’t
There is no reason to not betray their allies, After the krait got what the wanted. They can destroy the land dwellers non the less when their prophets return.
I experienced this issue too, sometimes its this Bang, sometimes complete silence. But this happens to me only when I’m in wvw, not in other zones.
27 having a blast