Showing Highly Rated Posts By forrae.6708:

Spvp Deathmatch new mode

in PvP

Posted by: forrae.6708




thugged out since cubscouts

Rangers deleted from pvp, again

in PvP

Posted by: forrae.6708


top lel

have enough people complain about something enough and it gets nerfed to oblivion.
well played anet


thugged out since cubscouts

Stop nerfing classes

in Suggestions

Posted by: forrae.6708


As you can see from my signature,

- You think someone cares to figure out your own abbreviations and jargon in you miniscule signature?

they mean a public test server. which i agree, this game does need one.

thugged out since cubscouts

Yes or No: Manifesto Represents the Game?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


the manifesto doesnt even need to represent the game.

A manifesto is a written public declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer, be it an individual, group, political party or government

intention: “A course of action that a person intends to follow.”
intend: “To fix the mind upon (something to be accomplished); be intent upon; mean; design; plan; purpose.”

all it did was show us, the player base, how the developers viewed the game and MMOs in general. nothing in it said that they promised to do this or do that. they showed us what they intended on doing and what they believed a good MMO should be. it showed us their motives as to creating this game. nowhere did they promise to exclusively deliver a game that lives up to all of their views and motives. i may intend to go do something, but it doesnt mean ive made an obligation to do so. a manifesto is more a statement than a promise. nothing in any of this means they have to do so and they are free to change their intentions, intent and views at any time. maybe Anet realized their original intentions were simply unattainable? who can say. of course, they arent. and legally, they dont have to. (ethically is a different story)

now, if they had made a pledge, commitment, promise or oath of design then we would have every right to expect them to do whatever it is they put in it. in fact, with that they would even be legally bound to.

sure they may have violated their manifesto (or may not have, only time will tell) but they had no real commitment to truly uphold it. i can intend on making my car fly under its own power by the end of the year but it doesnt mean anyone can truly hold me to that end.

tl;dr: semantics rant bla bla bla

thugged out since cubscouts

(edited by forrae.6708)

Idea: Getting feedback BEFORE sweeping changes

in Suggestions

Posted by: forrae.6708


player input always seems to be a double edged sword. it works good in some cases, and not so good in others.

however with something as broad and with the potential of opening a pandora’s box as the new gear, they could have at least looked for some player opinions. if i remember correctly, i dont recall seeing many threads in here asking about gear progression, as it was something that seemed to be frowned upon by the development team and as far as i can tell this decision seems to come from people getting exotic gear “too fast.” something that really shouldn’t be an issue, at least its giving players a chance to get to a more level playing field.

what could work is if ArenaNet created some public test servers to see how broad changes could potentially play out in the live game. this is something that is done elsewhere and not only catches a lot of bugs and the likes but can also give a glimpse of how changes could play out.

thugged out since cubscouts

Creating Legendary items needs to be changed

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


sure its difficult and not impossible to get one.

it just seems so freakishly boring..

legendary. the weapon should have a story behind it, there should be some sort of story to acquiring it with its own challenges and the likes on the way. not a legendary amount of farming/doodling on the auction house. just makes the game feel more like an auction house simulator a la diablo 3.

thugged out since cubscouts

Is GW2 becoming less and less solo friendly?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


i dont have much problems soloing most of the stuff, however the respawn times for a lot of areas is definitely a problem. having the timers based off of the number of players would make things a lot easier and less frustrating.

also, i do agree that having to do the fractals dungeon for the monthly is pretty absurd. i havent even set foot in there since it came out, so i guess no monthly for me.

thugged out since cubscouts

SAB: Ok what kind of game is this?

in Super Adventure Box

Posted by: forrae.6708


GW1 had lore-breaking events too – how does a commando fit into the lore there? Don’t be such a grump. It won’t be there forever. Ignore it if you wish, while the rest of us have fun with it.

most modern fantasy MMO’s have this. WoW does it, Rift does it, i’m sure when elder scrolls online comes out it will do this too..

anyway, OP if you’re so into your fantasy, you can still always grab a few friends and play some dungeons and dragons.

or you can LARP…

thugged out since cubscouts

Do longtime players get free items too? (Wizard Hat; Merged)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


thought it meant a real life wizard hat.
that would have been a million times better.

thugged out since cubscouts

Dueling: Fun addition that I wish was here.

in Suggestions

Posted by: forrae.6708


well i think gw2 is not really balanced for 1 vs 1 dueling battles though.

yea it is. look at all the videos on youtube of 1v1’s. its actually pretty dynamic.

thugged out since cubscouts

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


basically, this is pretty much what would happen if in a major WoW patch, blizzard removes raids, dungeons and gear progression with little to no warning.

people would be incredibly mad and probably stop playing. players dont like it when you change principles on them behind their backs.

My friend played the dungeon and passed some difficulty levels and says he didn’t encounter any agony condition yet. So he said he won’t be needing the new gear. So is it really mandatory?

its mandatory to progress further in the dungeon and depending on the direction Anet takes, it may become mandatory to stay up to par in WvW, since the more hardcore WvW guilds will likely farm the new gear to get the advantage. of course, this will equalize things out to some extent, but it could exclude several players who did not want to do this grind. it could also exclude players from seeing future dungeons and content if it becomes a requirement for those. this whole change has the potential to cause all kinds of damage.

thugged out since cubscouts

PvP based game.. *cough*

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


simple solution: treat WvW’s gear and traits in the same way as sPvP’s. give a seperate set of gear and traits but keep gaining exp instead of rank points. why they never did this from the start is beyond me, especially considering how much importance they seem to put on the concept of balance.

thugged out since cubscouts

Thoughts on Ascended Gear? [Merged threads]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: forrae.6708


may as well put in my ten cents

the way i see it, some people are overreacting when they say that the game has become entirely stat based. i think the stats are important to an extent, only to make individual builds work, since this isnt a game in which you are stuck playing your class in one of 3 or 4 different ways. so to that extent, they do have a place.

however they dont need to be increased. when i started playing, from WoW, i was impressed with the fact that there was a top tier of gear that was easily obtainable. i feel that this encourages individual skill over how geared someone is. gear progression never seemed to be a good idea to me. it seemed to simply make games boring. having flat constant stats on gear anyone could realistically obtain makes more sense, allowing the player to gear to their build and not have to worry about having to upgrade at any point, unless they wanted to upgrade how they look.

basically what im saying is that more developers, with Anet potentially leading the way, MMO’s should stop glorifying gear and numbers and instead glorify and reward individual skill, in which ever way the player wants to play the game. find something their good at and reward them with that. or something.

thugged out since cubscouts

Save sPvP! 2013 sPvP Reform Thread

in PvP

Posted by: forrae.6708


replace the hotjoin things with some sort of queue for map system. sort of like the join solo option for tournaments.

tweak the rewards some, less rewarding than actually setting up a tournament yourself. maybe just make it all just one round. give the ability to queue for a specific map, or a random one for a slightly better reward. make a call to arms sort of thing for every week in which a single map gives a slightly better reward.
make a separate interface for actual tournaments that give better rewards to participants. make a better interface for establishing permanent tournament teams. give teams and players an MMR.

aka just copy WoW. dead serious. the way it’s PvP joining/queuing/organization is a lot more intuitive than the system in GW2. i don’t generally like it when games copy other games (especially when it comes to copying WoW), but with this, i would seriously make an exception. to me, PvP in this game is just handled so poorly in terms of organization and the interface. the hotjoin servers are just strange and really don’t seem to make sense in an MMO. it works in shooters or games like LoL. they clash with the hotjoins and seem really useless.
inb4 flame posts everywhere. haters gonna hate i guess.

im not even going to go into balance issues (mostly because they really don’t exist. it’s all a matter of knowing other classes and your own class.)

thugged out since cubscouts

(edited by forrae.6708)