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Bug: GreatSword #3 swoop damage

in Ranger

Posted by: foxcornelia.6751


Thank you for reply. Though i reported this problem by bug report , if this has been before , it seems like i have to wait with a patient attitude.

Bug: GreatSword #3 swoop damage

in Ranger

Posted by: foxcornelia.6751


I tested Gs skills damage at heavy golem by using a steady pvp weapon. In tool tips Swoop skill tip says 126 dmg while Maul tip says 99 dmg and slash says 50 dmg.
But to heavy golem Swoop only deals 90 dmg while other skills do correct dmg as tool tip says. I want to know what is the correct and intended of Swoop dmg .
The current Gs dps is far lower than Sb and sword #1 auto attack even using all Gs skills because of slow animations. So its a big problem for Gs users. I am really happy if they fix the swoop dmg to 126 quickly.

Because Im newbie , sorry if this is a well known thing for everyone.


(edited by foxcornelia.6751)

Engineer vs Elementalist?

in Engineer

Posted by: foxcornelia.6751


For me Its really hard to beat elementalist.
Here is my old clip fighting against ele. I m not good at reacting and I lost to her but after i watched this i realized ele used skills as almost same queue.

Maybe the ONLY good point of engi is free from these queue.But i have to sacrifice a stun breaker to be somewhat versatile. For my build i have no problem to sacrifice because EGs nice leap and heal give me more survivability than 60s cd skill at both of mass fight and 1vs1 so far (im still r43).
But anyway the necessity of sacrificing important utilities to kits is big disadvantage for engi.

Engi spvp build?

in Engineer

Posted by: foxcornelia.6751


I usually go for static discharge build with berserk amulet , defensive traits and weapons.;TsAg0Cmo2xsjYH7Oudk7MA50wMCA

Aside my build , there are some points superior to other classes .. perma vigor , shortest cd heal skill , med kit , nice elixir buff etc…In any builds you should use some of them.
short clips ( low quality)

Btw mass fight in arena is really fun .. I want to play GvG.

my funny balanced engi build in spvp

in Engineer

Posted by: foxcornelia.6751


Hello i am charr engi . Here is my funny build that i have used since gw2 launch.
Its like a typical static discharge build but thanks for last patch made sigil work for kits the combo of chill + acid bomb of elixir guns works better than before .
This build is not strong (maybe weak ?)comparing to other engi builds but maybe its fun to play .

Traits are 0/10/10/30/20 taking all protection traits , earth runes and self regulating defenses for not using elixir S in utility slots.
Dps rely on spamming static discharge and all kits skills.
Supports are AoE chill ,double super elixir and heal regen of healing mist.
Amulet is berserk + cleric jewel for balance.

Here are 2 of short clips took yesterday . I took only 2 match so its so boring video and very sorry for bad quality. It shows its not strong build but how i can enjoy with this build.

[PVP] Beating mesmers?

in Engineer

Posted by: foxcornelia.6751


I have never beaten not bad ele player( S/D or D/D) on 1vs1 in sPvP.
Is it possible to beat good or not bad ele on 1vs1 by using engineer?
Please advise me how to fight them and eng builds specialization for them .

here is my short video(really sorry for very bad quality because of my sub computer used for work) fighting against balanced spec ele. My spec was also balanced spec with toughness about 1400. Usually i was killed faster than this .