Showing Posts For frankylinares.7894:

Aspec Arena & on-crit sigils

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


Working on it.


Does that mean we all can use it cause at this point we’re at an unfair disadvantage for not using it

[NA] LF 4 to Grow and Develop With

in Looking for...

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


D/D ele or condi/power warrior
Rank 60 at the moment
From Idaho
Im 18 I dont act like a child
I have champ legionnae and almost champ magus

Transmutation Charges and PvP

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


They said that for those who in PvP had a rank they would be getting a one time allotment of transmutation charges did they announce an amount of charges for the rank or what ratio it will be. Because i feel as if getting any less that 1:1 will be dumb because i play so many alts for pvp and would like them to have gear as well for it.

Accountbound wxp?

in WvW

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


So we where promised wxp a while back I just want to know when they will be implementing this cause I’m excited for it.

Warrior or Guardian (PVE/FUN)

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


If your focus is pave warrior is definitely the stronger of the two with the health and damage guardians can also be very strong but lack health but guards are pretty beneficial to party’s in the end its what you enjoy the most.

Tier 6 mats for a legendary please help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


Thanks everyone for the advise I got my legendary late last night.

Tier 6 mats for a legendary please help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


Haha donations are so greatly accepted

Tier 6 mats for a legendary please help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


No hurry been working on this since the game started just trying to finish since I’m so close.

Tier 6 mats for a legendary please help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


I used all my laurels champ farm takes to long but all good suggestions I just need the last3 stacks imI’m currently 100+ of each of them.

[Suggestions] Gemstore Items

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


I want obsidian armor from guild wars 1 and eternal blade from the underworld it would be amazing! Also having new armors acquired from certain bosses would be nice.

Tier 6 mats for a legendary please help.

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


So I have everything for my legendary gift of mastery gift of sunrise and even dawn! But I only have my gift of magic for my gift of fortune but I can’t manage to get enough viciousffangs,vicious claws, and armored scales and I’m extremely broke and have very little time to dungeons I need help to find a fast way to get my legendary.

Best way to get tier 6 materials?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


I tried the making more clovers approach and it was unsuccessful for me I got 60 extra clovers but the laurels have helped me quite a bit.

Best way to get tier 6 materials?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: frankylinares.7894


So I’ve been grinding for my legendary sunrise for about a month but I came across a problem I have my gift of mastery and gift of sunrise as well as my precursor dawn but I cannot seem to find a viable way to get tier 6 material I have all my mystic clovers I just need a fast way to farm mats.