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Why aren't rangers able to wield rifles?

in Ranger

Posted by: fubar.1327


Another +1 for the staff here. I see no role a rifle could bring that isn’t already there.

I always wanted them to add a staff for one ranger attribute in GW1. It could have been interesting not having to go into a 2nd proff to get the points for a staff. A staff with BM or WS req would have fit great in GW1 and I think it would fit great with the GW2 ranger also. I was a little sad to see there was no staff with the ranger when they released the ranger info pre-launch.

On a side note…I would also like to see either off hand sword or shield for the ranger. My idea of a ranger class has always been more of a Middle Earth type ranger. Not really just bows bows bows but more of a special forces type. Survivalist, agile, quick and trained in many martial weapons to adapt to the challenge at hand.

Rate the Norn Name Above You

in Norn

Posted by: fubar.1327


I got 3.

Rynhildr Vardsdottir (Couldn’t fit that in so it’s just Ryn) – Warrior
Meida Vardsdottir – Engineer (^Her sister, in case you couldn’t work that one out^)
Thrisda Stigsdottir – Ranger (I thought I would try a different race for my ranger, but I was looking at my char menu and just thought “needs more Norn”)

All 3 very norn like names I think.

Male Norn ranger: Beariden Wildheart.

Female Norn Guardian: Brynja Frostheart. (Brynja is norse for armor…usually associated with heavy armor)