Showing Posts For giovane.7512:

I think the tagging system ruins Dynamic Events

in Dynamic Events

Posted by: giovane.7512


I’m always angry when I get a silver medal on big bosses events even staying alive the whole fight with my control warrior.

"Tanks" needed for dungeons?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: giovane.7512


I have two toons I play more, a 39 thief and a 36 warrior. What I’ve seem is that there are too many ppl spec’ed as damage. When I changed my warrior for shield + mace/hammer and focused in interrupts, stuns, knockbacks and dazes doing AC explore was much easier. Basically, we need to focus target, keep him disabled as much as possible and buff the party a lot.
Imo the group need more control and support and less damage, there is no rage timer (I haven’t seem at least). I think any combination of classes can do this only changing some skills and weapon.