Showing Posts For goldnuggets.7189:

Locked behind Expansion

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: goldnuggets.7189


yea this whole game being pay 2 win locked is total bs. to even create a character i need to pay $40? that is completely rediculous. all the story and everything gated behind a $40 buy 2 play wall? oh wait thats how gw has always worked nvm.

email not registering for HOT mailing list?

in Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns

Posted by: goldnuggets.7189


i actually had to have them change the email on my account from hotmail to yahoo just so i could receive their emails….

you should do all the steps here first though

What race for an Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: goldnuggets.7189


so i went with nord so i could look like a tall human male with sort of a large build and a deep voice, which i am irl.

Are you this dude?

no, i’m not hodor lol. humans just seem small in this game. when you walk up to a doorway, the tallest human is about 6/10ths of the size of the regular house door. when i walk into a doorway irl, im about 9/10ths of it. also width wise im not fat or anything but have sort of broad shoulders. im about a regular doorways width, my arms would touch the sides. in this game, the buffest humans again are maybe 6/10ths of it.

a regular door is about 6’8" or 6’6", less than 7 feet tall. honestly i think even the nord is a little smaller than me. humans are like small 4ft asian dude sized.

(edited by goldnuggets.7189)

What race for an Elementalist?

in Elementalist

Posted by: goldnuggets.7189


the default human ele looked like a 10 year old. i didnt really like any of the other races so i went with nord so i could look like a tall human male with sort of a large build and a deep voice, which i am irl. i kind of wish i had changed human to look cool so i could use reaper of grenth though.

(edited by goldnuggets.7189)

fresh 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: goldnuggets.7189


well thanks guys. i actually had found 2 exotic 80 weapons randomly while leveling, sold them, and bought one with proper stats for less. i was pretty into gw1 so i have 95% of the hall of monuments skins anyways. i didnt have much karma or laurels so ive really just got chest+legs and working on some dungeons. im actually starting to hate playing a melee class (guardian) in dungeons though =/. it seems like most bosses are much worse in melee range.

(edited by goldnuggets.7189)

fresh 80

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: goldnuggets.7189


hello! i recently hit 80 and i’m wondering what the best way to gear up is. i’m not really sure about what activities are available and what their rewards are.

leveling build?

in Guardian

Posted by: goldnuggets.7189


hey, im starting a guardian and im not sure where to put my traits, which skills to use, or what weapon is best for pve leveling. can someone help me?

good class for a new player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: goldnuggets.7189


well im having loads of fun playing this Altruistic Healing Bunker guardian in the pvp, do you think its worth leveling to 80? or would i be better off with some more damaging class for whatever people do at endgame?

good class for a new player?

in Players Helping Players

Posted by: goldnuggets.7189


hey, im wondering which class would do well in all areas of the game. i want to pick a class to do world pve, dungeons, wvw, pvp, ect. i want to learn the game and hopefully not be incredibly weak in dungeons/pvp or whatever. i heard necros are very bad in dungeons.